Chances to Berkeley

<p>Hi I am a political science major and currently looking to transfer to Cal Berkeley from a CC. I have around a 3.5, and maybe a 3.9 in my igetsi classes. HOWEVER this is after 2-3 years of very bad grades and withdrawals, that have since been academically renewed. So they do not show up on my gpa, but they do remain on record. </p>

<p>One thing going for me is that I have shown a 180 swing, after going through some personal hardships. I have gone from W's and a couple F's to A's and B's. All of the courses I did not take seriously I have retaken and received A's. I am not sure if this matters, but I work in the financial field with emphasis on politics. I have also previously worked in the UC system for 3 years, at the Labs, and live right down the street. Both parents went there??...doesnt mean crap right? Not Harvard...</p>

<p>I also have 200 hours of community service....but that was 6 years ago. Does that matter? What are my chances? Would it matter if I was pre law or not? Could I change my major to rhetoric, for the higher acceptance rate?</p>

<p>I guess if you dont have a sexy title, or a good story, people dont answer your posts…</p>