chances to get into at least ONE of my choices??

<p>ok, so i'm apply for 9th grade to the following schools: exeter, andover, deerfield, milton, groton, hotchkiss, choate, st. paul's, and a day school in my state (whew!)
i have had my tour/interviews for milton, deerfield, and st. paul's already and i have my tour/interviews for all the others next week. all the schools seemed pretty into me during the interviews (especially deerfield!)
my ssat average was a 91% (definitely not what i was aiming for, but oh well).
my essays and short answers for my applications have been checked again and again. i have had straight a's all through middle school (my math class is accelerated, i do adv. 9th grade math) and i believe my teacher recs will be really good!!
my ec's include:</p>

<p>-8 yrs of piano (superior rating in 2008-09 bach competition, superior rating in the federated exam, national and district member of guild, etc.)
-4 yrs of cello (1st chair in school orchestra. i unfortunately have nothing else in this area)
-3 yrs of school newspaper (i've been an editor for 2, and i am editor-in-chief this year)
-3 yrs of school literary magazine (editor for all three years)
-4 yrs of honors club (i have been president, treasurer, and secretary)
-and i've won a lot of awards in writing (reflections, local newspaper writing contests, essay contests)
-2 yrs of track
-3 yrs of school yearbook (i was an editor last year, and i'm an 8th grade editor this year, plus, i've been a photographer for the past 3 years)
-i was emcee of a ceremony that honors students with the highest gpa's from each school.
-i was also my state's "reader of the year" (which is won by writing an essay about why i love reading).
-3 yrs of community service (tutoring 2 4th graders)</p>

<p>...i really want to go to milton(st. paul's would be nice, but i don't think i have much of a chance)</p>

<p>(btw, i'm almost done w/ my application process, i just need my recs from my counselor and my english teacher...)</p>

<p>want to go to Phillips Exeter, and I just want to know my chances of getting in.</p>

I go to scarsdale high school, which is one of the best public ranked high school in the country. I get about A-B in all honors or advanced classes. I am a freshmen apply for soph year</p>

Math- 94
reading- 86
overall-94 idk
I’m taking it again b.c well it can’t hurt</p>

<p>Extra curriculur
Taek wondo do- 10 years
Football- up for varsity next year 2 years
flute- 6 years
korean drums- 4 years
model UN
debate - 3 years
Archery-3 years
Zen/Dharma teacher- 2 years
Shotput- 2 years
Fluent and can read write in Korean</p>

<p>Awards and recognition
Taek won do- 3rd degree black, sparring and forms champoion in korea
Flute- wind ensomble
Korean drums- select team for Korea town
Zen-dharma- I am a legal teacher who can teach meditation and dharma and do so in a zen cneter in nyc nd nj
poetry- Got 3 poems published in a book</p>

I also went to their summer school program if that helps, and really connected with my iterviwer, I still talk to her</p>

<p>O sorry posted on wrong thread, but you should do more activities thatstand out</p>

<p>you have a good chance, but then again so dose everyone else that applies to those schools. You look pretty good, but like jyun212 said, you need something to make you stand out, but for the less competitive schools on your list, you should be accepted. good luck</p>

<p>but isn’t it a little too late to do something that stands out?</p>

<p>…oh, and what do you mean by the “less competitive” schools? i know sps, choate, hotchkiss, groton, andover, and exeter are veeeeeery competitive…</p>

<p>i think i have a fair shot at deerfield though, the tour guide and my interviewer really liked me, and milton is definitely one of my favorites… they’re strong in literature and i think my ec’s sort of lean more toward the literature/arty side</p>

<p>Yes, xoxohersheykiss, your ec’s do definitely lean a little more artsy than athletic, and I think that Milton will appreciate that. They’re a very funky, artsy, original school that’s not only focused on athletics. You have a good shot at all of these schools, really. I’d say Hotchkiss and Choate and Groton are right in your range, Deefield and SPS might be reaches and Andover and Exeter possibly a bit high reaches, but again anything can happen and you could get accepted to all -or none- of these schools. You just never know. You’re a qualified applicant though, that’s for sure, and none of these schools will reject you right off the bat without taking a good look at your whole application. Good luck :D</p>

<p>thanks! i hope my interviews go well, i’ve done a few before, so i think that i won’t be as nervous.</p>