Chances UC schools

In-state, male, white.


Major: Biological Sciences for all (Human Bio and Society at UCLA)

GPA: Unweighted: 3.6 Full weighted: 4.15 UC: 4.00

Course rigor:

Sophomore: Honors English, Honors World History, Algebra 2 Trig Honors (School does not offer AP for soph)

Junior: AP Bio (Score:5), Honors Precalc, APUSH (Score:5), AP Lang (Score:4)

Senior: AP Physics 1, AP Calc AB, AP US Gov, AP Lit

ACT: 33 composite (30 M, 35 S, 33 E, 34 R)

Ocean Lifeguard for 2 years, over 1500 hours total.

Emergency Medical Technician NREMT certified (includes 40 hours of ambulance ride along and ER shadowing).

Swimming- club and high school, 20 hours per week commitment.

About 300 hours total volunteering in a soup kitchen. Around 100 hours of other miscellaneous volunteering.

Started a cooking club at school with some friends.

Guitar student.

Essays: 8 or 9/10

Good EC’s and test scores. UC GPA within range.

Freshman admits with UC GPA of 3.80-4.19
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

UCSC: Solid Match
UCSB/UCI:Match-High Match
UCSD: High Match
UCB/UCLA:Low Reach-Reach

Good Luck. Any Safeties?

Thanks gumbymom. Yea I have already been accepted to SDSU and Chapman this year