Chances with a :( Class Rank

<p>Hey so I will be applying in the fall and I would like to know how much my rank is hurting me and my overall chance. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>CLASS RANK: 93/287 (32%) :( :( :( I hear that 94% are in the top quartile of their class
Gpa: 3.52
Sats: 1890 (600cr, 650m, 640w)
Act: In October (Probably 29/30)
No ap's junior year hence the class rank but 3 as a senior(ab calc, physics b, stats or world history)</p>

Rowing:4 years, 3 on varsity
Soccer freshman year
50-70hrs of volunteer work teaching incoming freshman to row</p>

<p>Other stuff:
Alumni relation: Both my parents went to the school and my dad got his phd in molecular biology here.
Out of state (CT resident)
White male
Income:~80,000 to 100000</p>

<p>Any input is appreciated</p>

<p>UW does not require you to disclose your Class Rank. If it is already on your transcript, is that something the school can remove before it is submitted for your application? Concentrate on writing sincere, heartfelt essays, when the writing prompts are released in August.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s a relief. I really hope they can because this is my top choice. Thank you!</p>

<p>Only unweighted grades as well. Our HS does not weight grades so taking/not taking AP classes or Honors versions did not influence class rank. Your gpa and test scores are what count, as well as class rigor compared to that available to you (eg students are not penalized for not taking AP courses if none are offered).</p>