Chances with high GPA and low SAT's?? please!

<p>Hey guys! I really don't where I stand and I need your help because it's been bothering me for a while so please tell me if I have a chance at these schools PLEASE!! : NYU, Brandeis, Barnard</p>

<p>I'll chance you back :-)</p>

<p>Gender: F
School: Private
Location: New York</p>

<p>***I go to a private school for religious purposes and I have a DOUBLE CURRICULUM, so I take 9 classes a day. The days are very long (from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm) and I have less time to do my work because of the time I get home from school. This is taken into consideration.</p>

<p>My school does not give a weighted GPA or class rank.</p>

<p>Overall GPA: 97 (I don't know how to convert to a 4.0 scale)
9th: 95.3
10th: 97.7
11th: 98</p>

<p>I was in all Honors from 9th-12th grade.</p>

<p>SATI: I took it in June and retook it in October (waiting for scores) and will possibly retake it in November or December.
Math: 650
Reading: 560
Writing: 620
Total: 1210/1600 and 1830/2400
I know these scores are low but I am taking the ACT's in a week and I think I will do much better on it. Also waiting for October scores to come in.</p>

Chemistry- 710
Math I- taking it in November or December depending on when I take the SAT.</p>

<p>AP: My school does not offer many AP courses. It only offers one in 10th, three in 11th, and three in 12th as the most you can take in each grade. The highest overall one takes is five.</p>

<p>AP World History- 4
AP Chemistry- 5
AP US History- 3</p>

<p>12th Grade Schedule:
AP Calc AB
AP English Lit.
(and 6 other classes)</p>

School newspaper-
9th: Writer
10th: Section Editor
11th: Assistant Editor
12th: Editor-in-Chief</p>

<p>National Honor Society-
11th: Member
12th: President</p>

<p>Basketball Team-
9th: JV
10th: Moved up to Varsity (Starter)
11th: Varsity (Starter)
12th: Varsity - My coach did not announce the captain yet, but I am pretty sure I will be captain.</p>

<p>These are the major EC's, I will not mention other minor ones.</p>

<p>Community Service/Youth Leadership:
--11th grade- Traveled to Israel for 10 Day Community Volunteer Program
helped the elderly, packaged food for the poor, cheered up soldiers, played with young Ethiopian children in orphanage, built a road in an underdeveloped area, picked oranges for an organiation that donates produce to charities, played with children who grow up in bad living conditions, and much more...
--Helped children with disabilities (9th)
--Tutor in Chemistry (12th)
--Eimatai Leadership Conferences (9th)
--Eimatai Environmentalism Program (2007)</p>

Arista membership
Honor Roll (all semesters)
Subject Awards in English, Spanish, Math
Board of Education Regents Award (for having high grades on all my regents)
AP Scholar
President's Education Award - Outstanding Academic Excellence
Intra-school Science Competition - 3rd place prize for Chemistry
Tikum Olam Award - for volunteer work done in Israel
Basketball Award (9th and 10th)
Listed in "Who's Who of Science Students"</p>

Camp (2008) - worked as caretaker of small children - 7 weeks
Israel Travel Program (2007) - 6 weeks</p>

Took Chemistry lab in St. John's University with college students, as lab requirment for AP Chem class (got an A)</p>

<p>Rec's: will be very good
Essay: not written yet</p>

<p>Colleges of Interest:
New York University

<p>So what are my chances of getting accepted into these schools??
I know my SAT score is weak, but does it really get in the way everything else?
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>If you need help, I'm here :-)</p>

<p>I need feedback... please!!</p>

<p>1830 isn't shabby. It's in the 80% range which is pretty good. NYU is going to be hard, but I'd say match with that incredible GPA. a 97 is I believe a 3.88, which is within the range for it. Not sure about the others though xD</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your response. you are saying that my gpa is good enough to hide my sat score? </p>

<p>Does anyone else have an opinion?? (for all 3 schools)</p>

<p>I think your EC's are very good and may pull you through. Thing with applications is, there's no way to demonstrate the ladder that you've climbed from Writer to Editor-in-Chief. Also, there's only so much you could write in your Activities about your work in Israel. I would suggesting writing your essay on your experiences in Israel! :D</p>

<p>I'm just curious - Are you from Convent of the Sacred Heart?</p>

<p>fiona - No, I'm not.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, I feel a little better. I was really nervous about my SAT score...I'm just hoping that I improved on the October test and that I'll do well on the ACT.</p>

<p>Also, my rec's are from my English teacher, who I had in 11th grade and who I work with on the newspaper (she really likes me), and from my AP Chemistry teacher who also loves me so I think those will be very good.</p>

<p>So it's GPA, EC's, Rec's vs. SAT ..... I have a chance?</p>

<p>(Please say specifically for each school)</p>


<p>help please!!!

<p>The thing about SATs that I have learned in the past year is this: The liberal/ progressive schools are counting them less, but the traditional schools still believe in them. For example: when visiting Bowdoin, I was not asked for my SATs; when visiting Washington & Lee, I was.</p>


<p>anyone??? bumpp....
I need your input.</p>

<p>I think your overall profile more than makes up for the SAT score, which isn’t even that low to begin with.</p>

<p>I believe the average range of SAT scores for NYU 1860-2140, so you aren’t far off.</p>

<p>And Barnard is 1910-2170.</p>

<p>Most liberal arts colleges claim to not weigh the test scores as much as everything else,
so I think you’ll be fine for Barnard.</p>

<p>And I no nothing about the other school, sorry.</p>

<p>Hope I helped :smiley:
And good luck!!</p>