Chances with these inconsistent stats?


<p>Cumulative GPA: 2.9
Yearly GPA: (2.9, 2.2, 3.6, 2.9 first quarter senior/ 3.6 second quarter midterm)
5 AP's
Factors for poor performance: moving and problems adjusting (implemented in essay)
New SAT: 1930 (690 Math, 670 Writing, 570 Verbal) = 1290 on old 1600 Scale
SAT II Math BC: 700</p>

<p>EC: Web Design Club Founder & President, Habitat for Humanity, Construction CSP, CSP Technical Support, Library Volunteer, JV Basketball Captain
Smithsonian Volunteer, Janmedia/Web Design Company Job
International Experience</p>

<p>Obviously my grades are very low but I think I have average SAT scores and a solid SAT II score. I have some EC's and have job experience at a respectable computer firm. I've taken a summer college course at Mason also as a junior in high school and got a B, which suggests that I can handle college-level courses. I was also taking the course while holding two jobs - Smithsonian and Janmedia.</p>

<p>Performed poorly in early school years but will convery a sense of maturity in my essay and talk about what I've learned through my experiences living abroad. Most significant experience is living in a third-world country (Bolivia) and getting a dose of reality, which resulted in an increase in my grades. Was also seperated from my father for a year when he got a job in Baghdad, Iraq.</p>

<p>Anyhow... any comments, suggestions? Also should I add a portfolio of the artwork/websites I've made? I won an award for one of the artworks I've made.</p>

<p>that's a 1260 on the old scale. frankly, your chances are low with that 2.9 GPA, they do not admit a lot of kids with under 3.0 GPAs, even with all your other creds, those slots usually go for the athletes</p>

<p>I think you'll get in- only because you're a resident. Your SAT's are great for VahTech, and you did well on the Math BC.</p>

<p>Thanks... I've been hearing such mixed comments. Half seem to say No and the other half Yes.</p>

<p>The thing is though that Virginia Tech has a 70% acceptance rate (something close to it)? Or does that not matter?</p>

<p>Have you sent all your stuff in yet?</p>

<p>Can anyone give input on my stats? Applying for Bio major. What do you think?
SAT's were not real good....Verbal 520
Math 620
Writing 670
GPA 4.8 (weighted)
3 honors
High honor roll every semester since Freshman year
National Honor Society
5 years of German Honors
5 years Spanish Honors
Language Honor Society (would like to minor in Spanish)
4 year Varsity Letter
1 year Tri-Varsity Letter
Other EC's
Have had a job since sophmore year</p>

<p>There you have it...and oh...out of state.</p>

<p>nj you're probably in</p>

<p>I am currently a sophomore Engineering student at Virginia Tech and quite frankly..if youre applying to the College of Engineering there is essentially no chance at all of you being accepted to the program. Your SAT I and II are on track with where you need to be..however, if you are concerned with acceptance to Virginia Tech for a less competitive program, you MIGHT have a chance--most likely University Studies. I have never met a student at VT, besides athletes, that have a GPA below a 3.2 let alone a 3.0. Im not saying that it CANT happen, but honestly your chances are very low. I do wish you the best of luck and am glad to hear of your interest in VT.</p>

<p>VT Engineer...applying Bio..any idea how competitive? My stats are listed above. "hopefulnj"</p>

<p>You'll be fine, no worries</p>

<p>Best shot for getting in with low stats is to apply to Unversity Studies. Tech is all about the numbers and since the essay is optional, you wonder if they even read it.</p>

<p>If youre applying to Bio you have a better chance of being accepted..but evenso, your chance isnt all that great. My suggestion to you is to apply to University Studies...I mean think about it, youre applying to a competitive school with a 2.9 GPA...I mean you even got a 2.2 GPA during your sophomore year and only got on the honor roll 1 out of 4 years....Jtran10 is an idiot if he thinks youll be a shoe in. Again, Im not saying that it CANT happen...Im just saying that you should apply to University Studies to help your chances of getting into VT....but just keep this in mind...the VT admissions board will review your application and they could potentially deny you admission to the Biology program and concomitantly offer you admissions to University Studies. Good luck with the application process...if you have any more questions I would love to provide assistance.</p>

<p>VTEngineer...I think your getting a little confused. I,hopefulnj, am applying for GPA is 4.8 w. The rest of my stats are listed above in an earlier post. Do you think I can get in with bio and these stats?</p>

<p>I was referring to nicholasjchung's stats. However, with regard to your stats...I think you should be ok. Your SATs are a bit low...but your GPA definitely compensates for your low scores. I think that you should be fine.</p>