
<p>I am a junior in high school and Colorado College has been my number one choice since freshman year. It's my dream school and I plan to apply EDI next fall. </p>

<p>Location: Kentucky</p>

<p>School: Small, independent private school</p>

<p>GPA: 4.3 weighted, 4.0 unweighted (or 3.95)</p>

<p>Class rank: top 10%</p>

<p>Classes: Advanced English 9, Advanced English 10, English 11, Spanish I, II, and III, World History, AP Government and Politics (not good...), AP United States History (taking AP this year), Algebra II, Precalculus, Calculus (with all seniors), Advanced Physics, Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Biology (doubled up sophomore year), AP Biology (taking AP this year), a myriad of art classes. I'm also doing independent study for English, which is exceptional. </p>

<p>Scores: I've only taken the SAT so far. Didn't study, so there's room for improvement.
SAT: 670 Reading, 680 Math, 790 Writing, 2140 Composite</p>

Student Leader/Ambassador (selective program, invitation only, three summers)
Volunteer with Big Brothers Big Sisters (9th and 11th grade)
Volunteer at a local hospital, >50 hours (9th grade)
Intern at a prestigious publishing company that publishes work on world spirituality and religion (6 months, 10th grade)
Varsity Cross Country (9th and 10th grade)
Won leadership award for XC (10th grade)
Varsity swim team (9th and 10th grade)
Also participate in longer races outside of school, triathlons, mtb, etc.
Member of Community Service Club at school
Participated in foreign exchange - hosted two students from Argentina for one month (10th grade)
Currently volunteer at an animal shelter and with a program that spays/neuters stray cats</p>

<p>I'll likely have a few stellar recs from some of my teachers, so that should help. </p>

<p>This summer I'm planning on doing Summer Session at CC, as well as a NOLS course. I have an interest in biology with the eventual goal being Vet School.
I've been in love with CC since my teacher first mentioned it to me. </p>

<p>Back up schools include:
University of Michigan
University of California, Davis
University of California, Berkeley (okay, not really a back up or safety)
Whitman College
Grinnell College</p>

<p>So what are my chances for CC?</p>

<p>Look at the Common Data Set for each school and you’ll get a good picture of whether it’s a reach, match or safety.</p>

<p>What surprises me is that you have the UCs and UMich on a list with Colorado College, Grinnell and Whitman. These schools represent two opposite poles of the college experience. Are you really torn between the big (huge with Berkeley) school experience and the quirky, independent LAC experience? Or is there something else at work here?</p>

<p>You sound like a very good candidate for Colorado College.</p>

<p>you have definitely got a good chance</p>

<p>Your potential application sounds just like mine four years ago when I applied ED and was accepted. I also did the CC summer session the summer before I applied and I also scheduled my admissions interview for the last day of the session so I could rave about how great the experience was and how I saw myself fitting in and loving the block plan. Also did a NOLS course one summer in HS and had WFR training my senior year of HS. CC is defeinitely all about fit and interest in the school, as well as having the credentials to get in. Sounds like you have it in the bag, Bud. Write some great essays and blow them away.</p>