
<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I find out next friday on whether or not I got accepted to tech, but I am really worried and was just wondering my chances. I am an in-state student applying from the northern va area</p>

<p>-GPA: 3.94 (weighted)
-SATs: 580 math, 540 reading
-3 APs this year, AP Language and Comp last year (along with 2 sciences (regular physics and human anatomy/physiology) regular precalculus, regular history, spanish 4, SGA), took honors courses 9th and 10th grade
-I have been in SGA since 10th grade, and have held an office since 11th grade
-I also have been assistant manager lifeguard for a year over the summer, and am currently working as a hostess during the school year
-jv soccer 9th and 10th grade (captain 10th grade)
-national honor society (9th-12th), spanish honor society (10-12th grade)</p>

<p>My biggest worry is I had a 4.0 both 9th and 10th grade (because of the .5 weight on honors courses) but I got a 3.77 my junior year. I got a 4.1 my first semester of senior year because of the weights, which makes my GPA a 3.94.</p>

<p>Will they be disappointed in my drop junior year and not accept me and the fact that I took no honors courses? I am also worried about my sats not being high enough, and the fact that I only wrote ONE ESSAY. I feel like I should have written 3. </p>

<p>Sorry for rambling, but what are your thoughts? I applied for my major as Human Nutrition and Exercise Sciences</p>