
<p>I know there are a lot of these topics but I have no idea what my chances are so I'm posting one.
I am a white male applying from California. If it helps at all, I am not applying for financial aid.
I have a 3.78 unweighted GPA and I will have take 3 APs by the end of senior year (Bio, Econ, and US History)
I took the higher english lane my freshman and sophomore years and honors english my junior and senior years. My school does not offer honors courses for freshman and sophomores so my weighted GPA is not as ridiculous as other peoples.
I go to a prestigious high school, its around number 65 on the top ranked public schools and for this reason it does not do class ranks. The top 25% here would be top 5% at most other schools.
I took the ACT and got a 31 composite, 28 english (don't know how this happened, I should have done better), 34 math, 31 reading and 32 science. I am retaking it in september and I hope to get it up to at least a 32.
I don't have the greatest EC's but I have over 200 volunteer hours over the last 2 years working at an organization tutoring under privileged youths.
If you have any other questions, ask away and thank you for any help.</p>

<p>Your stats are competitive. Apply and see what happens.</p>

<p>You have a good chance.</p>

<p>Wisconsin is probably hungry for out of state tuition, and your stats should be right in line with their requirements.</p>

<p>Also, they will probably like the geographic diversity you offer.</p>

<p>By best friend from high school went there (albeit 40 years ago), and loved it. You could do a lot worse.</p>