
OOS, very competitive/challenging school district, junior</p>

<p>by the end of senior year i will have taken 5 AP's
APES, AP psych, AP Lit, AP Calc, AP government
got a 5 on my first AP test (government)
all honors classes otherwise including: physics, pre calc, english, spanish (4 years), biology, chem, etc.
I have an internship at a local elementary school
done service trips in foreign countries with my school
never have gotten a C, mostly get A's with a couple B's
in 3 impressive extracurriculars
JV soccer for 2 years, highest level soccer (in my state) for 8 years
4.2 weighted GPA, 3.85 unweighted
haven't taken SAT'S or ACT'S but i am normally a good standardized test taker
excellent rec's</p>

<p>30+ ACT and very very good. 29 still good. Starts going down a bit after that. Under 27 would begin declining chances.</p>

<p>ok thanks!</p>

<p>Very very good chance with a good ACT</p>

<p>Stats sound good. Quality/competitiveness of your HS isn’t that important. Most WI HS’s are likely as good and/or they expect you to do well relative to your HS peer group. This means that if your HS quality is high you are expected to take advantage of its good teaching and learn the material presented (get good grades)- no using the supposed caliber of the HS as an excuse for mediocre/poor grades. This comment is directed at any who read this- not just the OP.</p>

<p>great, thank you everyone!</p>

<p>Actually high school quality/competitiveness is a consideration.</p>

<p>Yeah I feel like it should be, although everyone has different opinions.</p>

<p>Anyway, does anyone have any safety schools that they could recommend for me?</p>

<p>Indiana is very nice and good in liberal arts, music and business. Iowa has its charms. UMinn has very nice OOS tuition. Outside the midwest Colorado Boulder is beautiful and has some good depts.</p>

<p>Wow cool those were all on my list, good to know!</p>

<p>Students often overestimate the quality of their HS. Best to assume yours is not better than many in WI. Better to not count on your HS’s value instead of your personal credentials.</p>

<p>There is no reason to guess at how your high school is rated, just go into navience(if you have it) and look at the graphs. Before my son applied to UW we already knew that with his grades and SAT scores 100% of other students were accepted. We were both disappointed to have the early decision deferred. If you apply to 10 schools and you are in the acceptance range (graph) then you should get into more then 8.</p>

<p>Wow good to know, thanks!</p>