
<p>What are my chances if I have a 4.16 GPA, combo of many rigorous classes. 1910 SAT</p>

<p>IS, many ECs, multiple state-level winnings at Science fair, summer governor's school prog. etc.
I did not however, send in teacher recs & only wrote one of the personal statements...</p>

<p>High Match Maybe?</p>

<p>With a high GPA, great SAT score, and noteworthy EC’s, I’d say you’re a low match (High Chance) for Virginia Tech. I wish I had your GPA to be honest</p>

<p>I’d say you have an excellent shot, esp with your GPA and the rigorous courses. From what I’ve observed, GPA is much more important to VA Tech than your very decent SAT scores!</p>

<p>In-state where? I’ll technically answer this twice. You choose which one to read.</p>

<p>In-state (Anywhere but NoVA) - High chance. Your GPA is great. Your SAT is above VT average. Your ECs are probably average. I got in 2.5 years ago IS (Southwest VA) with a similar GPA, lower SAT, and about as many ECs. Keep in mind that if you are applying engineering, you need at least a 600 Math score to get into the program otherwise you’ll be admitted University Studies. With your 1910 SAT score, unless the subscores were unbalanced, that shouldn’t be a problem for you. </p>

<p>In-state (NoVA) - Average chance. Your GPA is maybe slightly above average. Your SAT is average. Your ECs are probably lacking. I’ve heard of people getting rejected with 4.0-650+ in each SAT section from NoVA. Very low chance of admittance into engineering.</p>

<p>If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me.</p>