
<p>I'm a junior who's trying to find out my chances for Wisconsin. Here it goes!</p>

<p>3.76 GPA W (does not unweight, but if it did, it might be a 3.68$
No class rank
26 ACT score
1 AP class last year, 2 this year, and 2 next year.
3 extra curriculars (leadership position for one)
Somali-American in MN</p>

<p>So what chance do I have? And what should I do to beef up the chances? Thanks!</p>

<p>The middle 50th percentile for ACT score of admitted students is 27-30, thus your ACT score is below the top 75th percentile.</p>

<p>Beef up - can you work on improving your ACT score over the next 8 months?</p>

<p>Keep up the good work (leadership and AP classes)!</p>

<p>Thanks. It’s just that I was ONE question away from actually reaching the middle 50% for the ACT (blame the English section. That was a killer).</p>