
<p>Sat (hypothetical but it's what I'm ptesting at): 800 m 770cr 710w. Had already taken with 770 m 750cr 620w </p>

<p>Gpa: 3.7w :( (junior 4.3(currently in but I'm expecting this) upward trend from 3.4 (freshman/sophomore) 3.4~uw</p>

<p>Coursework: rigorous except English, 8 aps (average at school is around 3-4) two years ahead in math but most are 1 year ahead</p>

<p>Ecs: ok but TV doesn't really look at this</p>

<p>Volunteer: 100~ hrs so far planning on a lot this summer</p>

<p>Job: every year and before high school, lifeguard and referee</p>

<p>I will apply ed to engineering</p>

<p>Instate, legacy (mom and dad), 30k (dad passed away after mom left workforce)</p>

<p>Dream school, what are my chances? </p>

<p>With that SAT score, you’ve got nothing to worry about. </p>

<p>Thanks just hoping my gpa won’t bring me down too much. Thanks for the feedback. @JoshIsACowboy27‌ </p>

<p>I agree. You look like you’re doing well! I think the rigor will offset the GPA </p>

<p>Thank you. Bump</p>