
<p>I'm currently a senior in high school and plan on applying within the next week or so. My application is almost finished except for one of the essays and I'd like to know how good of a shot I have.</p>

<p>Out of state resident (Illinois)
family makes less than $30,000 a year</p>

<p>ACT: 25 (I know that's kind of low but I took it twice and got the same score. Math really brought down my score)
GPA: 3.8 UW
Essays: They seem good to me and the people I've shared them with
Recs: One has already been submitted, didn't get to read it, plan on sending in another
Senior year courses:
AP Lit
AP Lang
College Prep Chem
2 psych classes
Diversity studies
Film studies
A literature class
An art class</p>

<p>Previous courses: I took honors english whenever it was available, took this high level class that combines American history and American literature. I always tried to choose challenging electives. </p>

Guitar lessons (not through my school)- 4 years
NHS- 2 years
Scholastic Bowl-1 year
High School Democrats-1 year. It was started only this year by my friend and I kind of helped him set it up
I also attended this film camp last year at another university. Should I put that on my app?</p>

<p>Notes: Wisconsin is my first choice but I am so worried that I won't get accepted. My ACT is worrying me a lot but if I took it twice and got the same score I don't really think taking it again would raise my score. If I am deferred I will take it again, though. Without the math my score would have been awesome but I am just not good at math under time restraints. My activities are also king of worrying me. I know colleges like it when students have a few activities that they sick to for four years but the clubs I joined freshman year just didn't interest me. </p>

<p>Do I have a somewhat good shot? Would I at least get deferred maybe? </p>

<p>You say that your family makes less than $30,000 per year. Do your parents or grandparents have a large college savings account for you that will cover the gap of at least *$23000/year?</p>

<p>[Using the net price calculator and assuming a zero EFC, grants ($8530), loans ($8100) and work study ($2200) bring the remaining OOS COA of UW-Madison down from $41548 to *$22918].</p>

<p>No, we don’t make a lot of money. I used a net price calculator and it said I would pay like $4-5,000 a year. And I’ve been told that I should just focus on getting accepted right now and see how much financial aid I will get. </p>

<p>That sounds very wrong. You will not receive need-based aid from UW-Madison to bring your cost down to $4500. What is the link to the net price calculator you used and what is an estimate of your FAFSA EFC? It is pointless to concentrate on getting accepted if after loans and grants you have to pay more than your parents’ annual take-home pay.</p>

<p>The calculator was on a website for another college. I will handle it and when I posted this I was wanting people to give opinions about my chances of getting in not if how I will afford it. . . .</p>

<p>Ok. </p>

<p>I saw that you posted some comments but have since removed them but anyway. </p>

<p>Yeah I know it’s low I wish it were higher. If I am deferred I will think about taking it again although I doubt I will raise it. I’m just not much of a math person :(</p>