
Thanks for at least reading this! :slight_smile:
Chance me please.

Unweighted Cumulative GPA: ~3.35
SAT: 1990, 710 CR, 640 Math, 640 Writing. <- First time, took it in June, didn’t really prepare due to stress from finals. Retaking in October along with taking the SAT Math II. Prepping all summer long.

Freshman year GPA: ~3.7 both semesters
Pre-IB Geometry, Pre-IB English, Pre-IB History, Science (No honors science), Advanced Art (2 semester course), French 100

Sophomore year GPA: 3.0 first semester, 2.8 second semester. I got a 3.0 after redoing my chemistry class over the summer.
Courses: Pre-IB Algebra 2 + Trig, Pre-IB Chemistry, Marketing/DECA (2 semester course), Pre-IB English (different from freshman year), Pre-IB History (different from freshman year), French 200.

Junior year GPA: 3.3 first semester, ~3.7-3.75 second semester. Could be important to note that a 93% is an A- at my school, otherewise my GPA second semester would be a low 3.8.
Courses: IB Pre-Calculus, IB English, IB History, IB Physics, IB French 300, IB Computer Science (Java).

Senior year GPA: TBD, starting senior year this fall. All IB courses
Courses: IB Calculus, IB English, IB History, IB Physics, IB French 400, The Theory of Knowledge (IB requirement)

During this summer, I got an A during a summer course titled “Video Game Development” managed by WANIC (I live in WA state, and they have summer programs) and DigiPen. It counts toward my GPA apparently and focused on programming and coding. I am interested in programming and computer science as a prospective major, however due to my subpar GPA and SAT score, I will be applying as undecided. :frowning: Freshman year was in junior high and sophomore year was in high school (district thing) and I had a very rough transition, and ended up getting a D in Pre-IB Chem first semester and C+ second semester. I ended up taking a summer course to get rid of the D and replace it with an A-, which is factored into my GPA instead of the D, however the D is still visible on my transcript so everyone has the knowledge of what happened. I also ended up getting a D second semester of sophomore year due to a terrible presentation that I blew off. I tried to change my bad procrastination habits and work harder junior year, eventually ending with a ~3.7 GPA second semester. I had 89% in Pre-Calc (unfortunate that I’m interested in compsci, paired with that SAT Math score) and 93% in history, which hurt my GPA significantly. I was also diagnosed with ADD during sophomore year by several doctors and have a prescription of ADD medication. The ADD medication didn’t exactly lead to the slow upward trend in my grades, as I was diagnosed first semester of sophomore year and still received terrible grades. I’ve really tried to break my bad habits and improve. I will be the Vice-President of “Chess Club” at my school next year too and I’ve played rec soccer since 3rd grade.

Sorry for the wall of text. Chances?

I’d say you have a pretty good chance especially if you can raise the score of the math part of your SAT. You recovered nicely after your sophomore year. I know Purdue likes an upward trend and you can probably explain your difficulties in your app (at least they did before Purdue switched to the common app) so you gpa won’t count as much against you.