
Hey I’m an instate junior student and I’m kinda worried and curious about my chances to get into uw Madison.

Here are my stats:

GPA: 3.33
Act: 29
Ap: 2 + 4 in senior year
Extracurricular: Volunteer club two years with one year as a officer and next year I’ll be vice president.
100+ hrs community service
Tennis 2 years + 1

I’m hoping to bring act up to a 32 by actually studying for the next one.

Any feedback is appreciated!

My sister also went to uw Madison and my parents were really poor and began work at a young age and couldn’t afford past middle school worth of education. They worked their way up and now we own restaurant business.
Can I use this information at all? I’m looking to get into the business program.

The GPA looks low compared to the ACT.

You’re low-borderline, I think. I was postponed and ultimately accepted with a 3.44 GPA, 30 ACT, 4 APs and 5 senior year, but I only did two years of a JV sport, and my volunteer hours weren’t well documented. Also a WI resident. Try to get that GPA up as best you can, and make sure you’re LoR’s and essays are stellar. I’d guess you would get accepted to Letters and Sciences first, because Business and Engineering are extremely competitive for direct admission. Just focus on making your stats as high as possible! Good luck!

Low gpa. You need to get stellar grades this semester and senior year to prove you have good study habits.