<p>Male - half Chinese, half Caucasian
California Resident
Rank: top 10%, school unranked
GPA: 3.9 Weighted, 3.6 Unweighted
AP: Biology - 3, Computer Science A - 5, US History - 5, Chemistry - 4, Statistics - 5
SAT: 2250
ACT: 33
SAT II: Math IIC: 750, Chemistry: 710, US History: 780</p>
<p>E.C.s: Piano - 9 years
Tenor Saxophone - 6 years
Bass Guitar - 3 1/2 years
Guitar - 2 years
Jazz Band - 1 year
Tae Kwon Do - 2 1/2 years, black belt achieved
Conejo Valley Summer Music Camp - Counselor - 15 hrs/wk, 4 wks/yr
Motion Picture and Television Hospital - Volunteer - 1 1/2 hrs/wk, 52 wks/yr
Founder, President of Book Club at school
Take Action Club
Earth Club
Science Bowl Member
Math Club
Math Honor Society - 1 year
UCLA class over summer Mol., Cell, Devel. Bio (MCDB) 30
Genetics research with Pepperdine professor for 1 summer</p>
<p>2 National Tae Kwon Do Competition Silver Medals
Level 9 of Certificate of Merit - Piano</p>
<p>I recommend reading through Libby Pearson's thread. As always it comes down to strength of curriculum, essays, recommendations, then GPA and EC's.</p>
<p>Not bad? That's envious. Write a decent essay with plenty of imagination and you'll be fine. </p>
<p>The one thing I notice is that you have a low GPA for your ACT score. Not that it will hurt you, but if you wished for an area to work on your GPA is always a good place to start. Otherwise, you're pretty solid.</p>
<p>people here like to hassle people like you. From seeing other kids who've gotten in, I'd say as long as your essays are at all acceptable, your curriculum includes a bunch of hard classes, you have a very nice shot. Is U of C your number one?</p>
<p>yeah, the cirriculum i've had has been just about the toughest my school offers. And U of C is most likely my number 1, I tend to change my opinions a lot haha.</p>
<p>what? first tucker max, now this? Are you like the Newman to my Jerry? Well, I say he's a horrible writer. In 500 words or less, defend your opinion!</p>
<p>Well of course you can get into college. Open enrollment schools guarantee that, at least.</p>
<p>lol. Come on! You know your chances as well as we do. CC People can only put you into one of 3 categories: 1) pretty much won't get in, 2) depends on your luck and your subjective stats (essays, interview, recs, etc), and 3)you are pretty much in. There are of course going to errors on our part just by the nature of the game. Beware aware that situation 3 is rarely attainable at some of these schools. That being said you are a 2.5 - ish.</p>