
<p>please anyone... tell me my chances of getting into Miami!!!??</p>

<p>(my high school is ranked the 37th <em>out of 27000 public schools</em>)
Out of State
Greek American
GPA: 3.57 uw
AP Government
AP Senior English
AP Statistics
AP Evironmental Science
SAT: 1700 out of 2400
ACT: 26
solid teacher recommendations and a superb essay!!</p>

<p>ECs as follows...</p>

<p>Class Senator
ASB Treasurer
100+ hours of community service
President & Founder of a Club
Member of 2 clubs
Captain of my club tennis team
4 yrs of varsity tennis
recieved 2 awards (1 from the coach and 1 from the team)
member of ASPEN (had to tryout)(teens against drugs/unprotected sex)</p>

<p>hmmmm real close. What is your weighted GPA and class rank. They weight class rank very heavily. Also retake the SAT/ACT your below average right now. Your ec's look pretty decent though. You have a chance right now but id say less than 50-50</p>

<p>weighted GPA = 3.69 and class rank is top 40%... eek</p>

<p>i highly doubt you will get in, their average act is 27-32, with 3 out of 4 students in the top 10% of their class, and average unweighted gpa of 4.0 with weighted 4.3...the school is very very competitive and hard to get into, its becoming one of the top schools...don't let this get you down though, im just trying to be realistic.</p>

<p>the average unweighted is not a 4.0!! What are you talking about. NOt even harvard has an unweighted 4.0 gpa, it's a 3.95 or something.</p>

<p>thats what it says on their site</p>

<p>I think your rank is whats going to kill you. As far as that little ACT scale someone mentioned above... the scale shows that 25% of the class had a score below a 27. I feel you would have had a better shot if you had a higher ranking. Just Apply! You never know what these colleges are looking for. I would not worry about the average GPA either, because I know plenty of kids that have below what UM claims their students have.</p>

<p>I don't think class rank is as important as everyone makes it seems.</p>

<p>40% could still be like, 320th out of 850.</p>

<p>Class rank doesn't matter that much. I just got accepted and I'm ranked in the top 30-40%.</p>

<p>Armandochavez... Compare your stats with his. Thats probably why youre ranking didnt have such a great effect. But then again who knows we can sit and prove each other wrong on whatever points we try to make. You just never know with college admissions.</p>

<p>Do you think my rank is bad for U of M? I don't even know if it's good enough, honestly. i think it's near like a 45/317.</p>

<p>NotTheStereotype - he has better EC's than me. Much better. In any case, as you said, we can argue back and forth and it won't matter. No one knows what goes on in the admissions office.</p>

<p>Jeremybeach - that's not bad, but it's not good enough for me to say you'll get in for sure (since I don't know any of your other stats)</p>