
Top choices: Columbia, Berkeley, Stanford, Dartmouth, Brown
2nd Choices: Pomona, Swarthmore, Harvard/Yale, Penn
3rd Choices: Cornell, UCD, Georgetown, some other schools</p>

<p>Edison High School (Magnet School in poor Urban Area--recognized as one of top schools in country)
White Male
High-ish income but will request financial aid
Interested in: Social Sciences, Humanities, maybe math (basically everything except for science)</p>

Rank: like 6/500 (top 2%)
GPA U/W: 3.86
GPA W: 4.29
Most rigorous load taken at HS--more APs than any other HS junior
Only one B (AP Chem, which isn't a junior course anyway)</p>

9th: Human Geo (5)
10th: Euro (5), Bio (5), French Lang (5)
11th: (to be taken) English Lang, Chem, Calc AB, Microecon, Macroecon, USH, Psych
12th: (to be taken) Eng Lit, Calc BC, Enviro, Comp Gov, US Gov, Stats?, French Lit</p>

(not yet taken--June '06)</p>

Bio: 690
French: 760
To be taken: USH, Math 2</p>

230: 80 M, 78 W, 72 CR
(national merit semifinalist)</p>

--Forensics (Speech and Debate): definitely my favorite activity. i put more effort into it than any other extracurricular, and a lot of times it supersedes my class assignments.
I do: Policy Debate (1st alternate to nationals 2 years in row, league champs, valley champs, #8 in state our first year, cleared at invitational tournaments, various speaker awards)
Extemporaneous Speaking (awards at tournaments, state qualifier and national alternate)
plus some other speech events</p>

<p>--KEY Club: Sophomore year Pres, Jr year VP, Senior year Pres
have organized activities at abuse shelters, soup kitchens, and cultural centers, plus fundraisers; also got "spirit award" for division, lol</p>

<p>--Mock Trial (Freshman-Senior): pretrial and trial attorney</p>

<p>--Model UN: various awards, 8th grade-12th</p>

<p>--BackTalk (10-12): the local newspaper I wrote for--has a Sunday circulation of 300,000. paid job</p>

<p>--Tennis: JV 9-10, Varsity 11-12</p>

<p>Other activities: Link Crew, CSF, Human Relations Council, Jewish Youth Group (officer soph year)</p>

<p>Summer Programs:
10: Journalism Program at CSU Fresno
Debate Camp at Michigan State University</p>

<p>11: (hopefully) Dartmouth Debate Institute</p>

<p>Awards: not very many...mainly stuff for debate. Also, got awards for my nonfiction writing at the Young Writers Conference</p>

<p>Chances? :)</p>

<p>Oh also I volunteer at a local organization called "Stone Soup," which does integration projects for Hmong refugees. For the past two summers (and hopefully next summer as well) I've volunteered teaching recent Laotian immigrants the basics of the American education system before they entered kindergarten. I might tie these experiences into one of my essays?</p>

<p>anyone? columbia is currently my first choice but i don't know if i'll apply ED or not</p>

<p>bumpppppppp :)</p>

<p>You stats are great. I think it'll come down to your SATs. </p>

<p>I want to go to Columbia as well :D</p>


<p>Without SAT scores it gets a bit harder to do chances, however I can give you them based off your PSAT scores, SAT IIs, GPA, and ECs. Ratings are: unlikely reach, reach, semi-reach, good fit, likely, safety.</p>

<p>Columbia... REACH.
Berkeley... GOOD FIT.
Stanford... REACH.
Dartmouth... SEMI-REACH.
Brown... SEMI-REACH.
Pomona... SEMI-REACH.
Swarthmore... SEMI-REACH.
Harvard... REACH.
Yale... REACH.
Cornell... SEMI-REACH.
UCD... SAFETY. (University of California-Davis is the school your talking about, right?)
Georgetown... GOOD FIT.</p>

<p>Swarthmore and Pomona I'm a bit hesitant to rate any lower than semi-reach because of the selectivity rates of the schools. The same goes for Dartmouth, Penn, Cornell, and Brown.</p>