
<p>Sat: 2100, 720M 640CR 740W
Sat II: 750History 780Math2c 720Physics
top 10% of class
GPA: 3.625uw, 4.04w
strong ecs/recs
live in NJ
go to a public school
asian american
heavy course load (aps/honors classes)
want to go into business</p>

<p>what are my chances at:
U chicago
NYU (Stern)
Indianna (Kelly)
North Carolina

<p>unless you want an intense academic experience and an econ major rather than a business major, cross Chicago off your list. It doesn't particularly cater to pre-business even though it has a strong econ program.</p>

<p>We're gonna want to know your EC's.</p>


<p>pres nhs
pres fbla
pres multicultural club
vp interact
fencing captain
volunteer work</p>

<p>Fencing!!! ...A school team? <em>envy</em></p>

<p>(The fencing club I was a member of dissolved last summer because our coach... had to leave town abruptly :mad::rolleyes::()</p>

<p>Anyway, about how many hours do you dedicate to those activities? And what's FBLA? The leadership positions are good...</p>

<p>Northwestern - High Match
UMich - Match
UVA - Match
U chicago - High Match
Emory - Match
NYU (Stern) - High Match
Indianna (Kelly) - Match
North Carolina - Reach
Barnard - Match
Cornell - Reach</p>

<p>umich and uva matches even if im out of state?</p>

<p>I think you have a fair chance at all the schools listed. If possible try to raise your SAT scores or GPA by a little bit. But otherwise, remember to write good essays and get nice recs and you're good to go. </p>

<p>Chance me? <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>