
<p>applying ED from northern virginia
GPA: 3.72
SAT: 1250 or 1910
applying to the pamplin school as business undecided</p>

<p>any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Is that GPA unweighted? If so I think you're probably in, if it's weighted you'll still probably get in. If you were going into engineering things would be a little different and Pamplin is still a bit harder to get into than the college in general (I think) but you should have a good shot, especially ED.</p>

<p>yeah its unweighted. if i don't meet the requirements for business will they second choice me to university studies or just reject/defer me?</p>

<p>Uh... if you're doing ED I'm pretty sure they'll offer you University Studies but it wouldn't be binding then. I really don't think it's going to be an issue though.</p>

<p>And if theres anything else you need to know about VT (campus, food, dorms, etc) feel free to send me a PM or post it on here.</p>

<p>thanks a lot I really appreciate it. Are you a current student?</p>


<p>Is VT a pretty friendly place? My son is a student athlete from Texas and was just accepted. He's looking for a rural school that is more southern than northern in feel. He has also been accepted at Auburn and TCU - but is leaning towards VT. Is it a happy campus?</p>


<p>Charlie, yes, I'm a sophomore here in Materials Science and Engineering.</p>

<p>rrossi - I think its very friendly. Less so if you're an opposing fan during a football game, but being from Texas I'm sure you understand. :) VT sounds like a good fit for him though, since it is relatively rural (although downtown blacksburg is within walking distance of campus, with plenty of restaurants and bars, as well as a few shopping places) but doesn't feel like you're stuck in the sticks of the south (no offense to anyone, I've been in the sticks too, haha.)</p>

My s is a freshman at VT this year, and although we are from the north, most of our family is in NC and VA. S is extremely happy at VT - it's all he was hoping for - southern in atmosphere, restaurants and shopping nearby (within 35 mins at least), always something going on with plenty of people to go with, numerous opportunites to do something "different" such as dance lessons, research, video games, poker (yeah, I know, where are our tuition dollars going??!!), pickup games of frisbee, volleyball, football, etc. As a parent, I have been struck by the friendliness of the staff and students every time I have been on campus ( 2 visits, orientation, move-in day and another visit) - made me want to be a student again!</p>

<p>How strict are VT's standards when it comes to its Engineering school? I mean, I'd say that would be one of the primary schools its known for, but it's not MIT. Not bad by any means, but you get what I'm saying.</p>

My son is very happy at VT. Classes are going well and he has made many friends from both dorm and classes. He is finding plenty to do, loves the football atmosphere, and food is great! I can't say we have seen one bit of homesickness either! We are from out of state-a 12 hour drive to VT, so coming home isn't an option. Son is a business major.</p>

<p>Chuy, It is nice to hear from you again. Hope all your classes are going well.</p>

<p>Yeah, I've been a little too busy with classes to post as much as I did when I had the desk job over the summer, but I try to pop in from time to time.</p>

<p>Blue: VT is fairly selective for its engineering school. Nowhere near MIT or CalTech or whatever, but it's a bit harder to get into engineering than some of the other programs.</p>

<p>Oh no no. I wasn't saying VT was a bad school. Maybe I should have kept it out, didn't wanna sound like I was insulting the school.</p>

<p>What's a good GPA? I'll have like, a low 3.....somthing. 3.3 would be the highest I could go, and that's CRAMMING as many classes as possible getting all A's due to a couple C's and 1 F.</p>

<p>Oh, and I'm a transfer student. Instate.</p>

<p>When are most notifications sent out for those who applied early decision?</p>

<p>I think I got my notification early December. That was two years ago though.</p>

<p>December 15. I believe</p>

<p>December 15 is what they say but its a saturday. Isn't the office closed on saturdays so how would they post admissions?</p>

<p>They post them online. It was posted online a couple days before they actual date a couple years ago, so just check that.</p>