

<p>White male
College Class Year: 2012
High School: Public
High School Type: NYC public (non-specialized) school</p>


<p>GPA - every grade in every course (except gym) over 95, most at 98-100
Extremely tough courseload
Class Rank: 1
Class Size: around 1000</p>

<p>Essays: I think they're quite good
Teacher recs: exceptional
Counselor rec: glowing</p>

<p>Top Scores:</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 800
SAT I Critical Reading: 790
SAT I Writing: 750 (11 essay)</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 800
SAT II Physics: 800
SAT II World History: 740</p>

<p>AP World History - 5
AP Calculus BC - 5
AP English Language - 4
AP Spanish Language - 5</p>

<p>Senior Year Classes:
AP Physics
AP Computer Science
AP Macro/micro-economics
Honors Government
Honors English
Math Team


<p>Significant Extracurriculars:
Math team captain, sophomore, junior, and senior years (team 1st place in NYC twice, 2nd place twice)
Individual gold medals in regional math competitions
Concertmaster of year-round symphony and string orchestras
International professional violin soloist (hours of practicing every day for 11 years, performed in more than 10 countries, many solos with professional US orchestras, winner of national competitions)
Science olympiad member
Community theater stage crew and lighting
Regular student tutor</p>

<p>Other stuff:
National honor society member
National merit semifinalist
AP Scholar</p>

<p>Chances for:</p>

Carnegie Mellon
Washington University in St. Louis

<p>Thanks a ton!!</p>

<p>You have a good shot - the determining factor would probably be your essay, and since we can't really be sure about those ivy's, I'd say you'll get in at carnego + <a href="mailto:washington@st.loui">washington@st.loui</a>s.
but anyway! good luck! (and would you mind chancing me too? pretty please?)</p>

<p>I don't see any real drawbacks from what you listed.</p>

<p>i agree with everyone else who has posted and think that you have very good credentials and a great shot at those schools.</p>

<p>but i also think that because those schools are highly selective and their acceptance rates are low, you should think about adding one or two safeties or matches to your list- to be on the safe side.</p>

<p>also, just curious- but what school do you go to in nyc?</p>

<p>Thanks guys!!</p>

<p>@greentopaz24: I'd rather not say which school for privacy reasons. Sorry.</p>

<p>Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Upenn, you got a good shot. Probably get at least one if you're lucky.</p>

<p>The others, you're in.</p>