

<p>Currently a junior. Hispanic in Florida
Around top does not rank
Unweighted GPA: 3.25
Weighted GPA: 4.211
SAT Score: 1300 (660 CR; 640 M; 690 W)</p>

<p>I did really bad in ninth grade, which is why my gpa is so low. I raised my unweighted from a 2.5 at the end of ninth grade to a 3.25 now.</p>

<p>Senior year Schedule:
AP Euro
AP Govt
AP Macro
AP Calc AB
AP Lit
AP Psych</p>

<p>Pretty much have no ECs or sports...</p>

<p>Chances (if any) at UM?
and anyway to improve those chances???</p>

<p>i think you have an excellent shot. UM loves candidates like you, your upward grade trend speaks well for your abilities. Don't worry about a poor 9th grade year, admissions officials are trained to notice things like that. Get that Hollister job and you'll be in good shape...hehe</p>

<p>The "pretty much no ECs or sports" thing is going to hurt you. Your weighted GPA is just average for UM, so it's probably a high match/low reach.</p>

<p>I think you will get in hands down. They look at SAT the most. they will prob give you a scholarship. i had the same grades as you in hs and i got a pretty good scholarship from the school</p>

<p>Not to be a debbie downer on you but I think I should be realistic with you and your chances @ theU and UF as well if you plan on applying. A lot of factors are placed on your decision such as the amount of applicants from your high school, ECs, etc. I mean you showed tremendous upward trend in your GPA, but Miami as well as the University of Florida are looking for well-rounded individuals and your no extracurriculars will not help you in that regard. But maybe I do not know something, like you're leaving a part of the puzzle out of it, such as you could not do extracurriculars because of family issues or something, then I would be sure to explain that in a separate essay on why you want to go to theU. I went to school in Palm Beach County, Florida and most of the applicants in my class were from the top 10%, about 1300-1480 SAT/ 29-33 ACT, UW 3.8+, W 4.2+. </p>

<p>Colleges looks at if your first generation, parent's income level and socioeconomic status and the part that your a minority is to your advantage as well, because colleges have quotas to fill. I'd say you have a decent shot. Recommend you apply Early Decision and look into an interview if you're really serious about Miami. Show a lot of interest.</p>

<p>I'll say your chances are a low reach. Your SAT's are good but your gpa is slightly low and a lack of ec's is definitely going to hurt you. Your chances of getting into UM will be highest applying EA. Good luck!</p>