<p>Hey I'm an In state student applying for admission at UVA. Just wanted your thoughts on my chances etc...</p>
<p>GPA: 3.8
Sat: 720/750/760
Full IB Diploma with calculus and highest possible course load
Play Violin
Tutor School Staff Members in Computer Applications
Model UN, Mock Trial, Debate
French Honor Society</p>
<p>My school system doesn’t do ranks, but people have gone all over with a 3.8 or higher, I’m asking specifically in regards to admission for a Virginia state resident to UVA.</p>
<p>Estimate your rank. Whether or not you will, your GC certainly will have to do so. Top 5%,10%, 20%?
If you are in the top 1-3% of your class, I’d say>>yes! But top 20-30%, ah, it gets a lot trickier then. Rank is everything.
If everyone has a 3.8 GPA at your school, then you aren’t so special, but if you are at the top of your class with your 3.8, then that says a lot about you.</p>
<p>I’ll ask again: where do people from your school with GPAs like yours go to college? Your courseload and test scores are competitive, but the “quality” of a GPA heavily depends on the school it’s from.</p>
<p>To improve your chance of being offered admission to the University, I suggest you concentrate on writing very high quality essays. I’ve seen students with equal or better stats Wait Listed based on mundane essays and/or carelessly prepared applications.</p>
<p>You’ve obviously worked hard to build an outstanding high school transcript. Unfortunately, most of the students you are competing with for admission to UVa will have similarly strong portfolios. Therefore, essays are a way you can rise above the competition while also validating your prior academic record.</p>
<p>Mediocre essays reflect poorly on an applicant, and can hurt the chances of an aspiring student who is qualified in most other respects.</p>
<p>Don’t take anything for granted with regard to your essays, or any other aspect of your UVa application.</p>
<p>Most students applying to UVa do not have 1470s on the SAT with top 10% grades in a full IB program. However, close to half of instate applicants get in. It’s not very difficult.</p>
<p>My advice to JSM was offered in the context of “Better Safe Than Sorry.” </p>
<p>It’s clear that JSM is a strong applicant, assuming the 3.8 is unweighted and the estimated top 10% class rank is correct.</p>
<p>Nevertheless, it’s always best not to leave anything to chance when applying to UVa. Especially if this application is coming from a school in the Northern Virginia area.</p>
<p>Since every applicant only gets one bite at the proverbial apple, I think it’s wise to do all you can to submit the strongest possible application to the UVa Admissions’ Officers. Top flight essays never hurt one’s chances; poor to middling essays almost always do.</p>
<p>That’s all I was suggesting to JSM, or any other UVa applicant for that matter.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the help and just as a side note the school that I currently attend is located in Maryland but I qualify for domiciliary status as one of my parents resides in the state of Virginia. Will this affect my application?</p>