<p>Over the past few weeks I received both the Triple Qualification Letter as well as a Congressional Nomination (my congressman is leaving office and had to decide by last Friday). I had met with an admissions officer when I visited West Point a few weeks ago, and was told that I had received almost a perfect rank (He explained that they rank candidates based on the 3 areas: leadership, academics, and athletics). </p>
<p>Does anyone know how likely it will be that I will receive an appointment? I know I may not receive one at all (understanding that only 1300 are admitted each year) but seeing that they have a rolling admissions, would I be a likely candidate for a spot at West Point since I have been fully qualified, received a nomination, and turned everything in to them?</p>
<p>SELynch44, You are asking us to “gaze into the crystal ball of admissions.” You are more likely than some to get the “big envelope.” The only way to know for sure is to wait it out, I’m afraid. You look great on paper…so you will work on developing patience as you sit through the process. Best wishes!</p>
<p>Trust your admissions officer. An Army officer won’t lead you astray. That said - it could be a while depending on how the nominations in your district shake out.
If you rank #1 on the slate submitted then you will get an appointment. If you rank #2-10 then you are going to have to wait until spring probably.
Keep in touch with admissions and let them know you are still interested if you haven’t heard anything by January.<br>
When you finish the semester, have your 7th semester transcripts sent ASAP.
Good Luck!!</p>