
<p>hey, i am just wondering my chances at some of these schools for dentistry, and I'm open for more suggestions to any other schools... would like east coast/mid-east... asian junior
Syracuse, bu, nyu (cas), colgate, rutgers, tcnj... more schools needed</p>

<p>GPA: uw- about a 3.0
well within the top 25%
Frosh: took pretty easy classes
soph: went into the toughest course load, teachers saw potential
junior: toughest my schedule will allow, 1 ap course
Senior: 2 maybe 3 AP's, bio, history, maybe english rest are honors</p>

<p>SAT: math 800, verbal 650, writing 660</p>

<p>EC: volunteer at hospital (circa 75 hours), missions trip jamaica 2004, some library volunteering, varsity tennis 9-now, latin club (officer position 10,11) 9-now, band (tresurer) 9-now, vp of youth group carnegie hall concert cello (9), region and area band with french horn (9), Steinway hall piano (9,10) a lot more clubs, activities too lazy to put.</p>

<p>bump please?</p>

<p>bump, please respond...</p>

<p>nice SAT, real low know how they love those high school records... good EC's though, I'd definitely work on raising that GPA. Hey, anything could happen if you package yourself correctly</p>

<p>case western is another option, and the application's free, so that's a plus! ^^ i love free applications... u should apply to all of the free commonapplications</p>

<p>colgate, wellesley, smith, case western... just to name a few</p>

<p>any more suggestions? chances at those schools?</p>

<p>happy mothers day... bump...</p>

<p>come on... please, i need to know my chances</p>


<p>I say yes to Syracuse and Rutgers, no to whoever said Wellesley.</p>

<p>"a lot more clubs, activities too lazy to put."</p>

<p>This part makes me nervous. I hope that "lot more" aren't many insignificant clubs which you are just a member of, which doesn't reflect exactly what your passions are.</p>

<p>please tell me my chances at these schools...</p>


<p>bumpity bump bump
Syracus & Rutgers-reach
rest-um, how shall i put this, (super)^9000reach
being asian sure dont help, big guy</p>

<p>are you being serious?</p>