<p>white male from maine,
sats- 1330/1600, 1930/2400 (710m, 620r, 600w)
sat IIs- 730 math I, 630 chem
gpa ~3.9 (unweighted), 3.95 this semester with all hard classes (3 aps), and took all challenging courses except history in jr and soph yrs. classes like ap chem and ap physics arent offered, but i took honors.
rank ~6/200, top 3%
ap tests- 3 lang&comp, taking ap cacl, ap gov, and ap lit this year.</p>
<p>… and should i give them my sat scores? i feel my common app essay is decent and says something about me, so i’m not sure if those scores would be dragging me down when applying to wake forest or not. anyone?</p>
<p>as long as you interview if you are not gonna send SATs then you should be fine, thats the main point i got from visiting/interviewing myself. I think they might have stopped interviews but you might be able to still get one. my interviewer also talked about how they are conducting skype interviews now if you can not make it down. I’d call them they are very helpful.</p>
<p>I think you should send your scores. Mine are pretty similar to yours except they are a bit higher. I don’t think sending them would hurt you because WFU stated that they’d view scores as supplement info. Your GPA and rank are really good. It seems like you are a very hard working student.</p>