
<p>I applied EA and just wondering what you think my chances are…
SAT’s: CR-710, M-690, W-640
ACT: 31
Taken all available AP’s (7). National AP scholar with Honor Award. NHS.
Top 25% of class. GPA: 3.7 UW ?W
EC: Missionary/medical work in Ghana, Africa. Multiple chairmanships in local community service group. Classical piano and guitar. Over 1000 hours of community service.
Recs: Good, also the Head coach for the hockey team helped vouch for me.</p>

SAT II , Lit-720, Chem-680, Physics-680 US-600
AP Scores- Lit/Phys/Chem-3 US-4
Multiple summers volunteering at Young Life Camps</p>

<p>Please, any input with be nice.</p>

<p>yeah i think you are in</p>


<p>You are not a shoe-in but you have a great shot.</p>

<p>you seem to have a good chance. are you getting recruited for hockey or something?
your scores are good, not amazing but they are prob in the mid range for bc.
the 1000 hours thing could cause some hesitation because a lot of schools now think that when kids say hours they’re just resume padding, but your leadership positions in the community service groups show that you actually enjoy it.
overall id say good shot but nothing is a guarantee</p>

<p>Im not getting recruited for hockey but the coach is a family friend. Im just freaking out as the letters get closer and closer</p>

<p>RD is a whole new game, any input would be great.</p>

<p>If Jerry York wrote you a letter of recommendation it would certainly help, but I think there is a good chance you are in anyway.</p>

<p>you have similar SAT scores as me (and I got in EA CSOM)… what school did you apply to?</p>

<p>I applied to the college of arts and sciense</p>

<p>did you get defered?</p>

<p>yes ma’am.</p>

<p>you have a really good chance for RD</p>

<p>thanks guys.</p>

<p>no harm in bumping!</p>