
Reed College
Stanford University
Colby College</p>

<p>I’m a Hispanic student who goes to school in a predominantly African-American school in South Central Los Angeles.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.994
Ranked: 12/330
SAT I: 1860
SAT II: Biology: 670 US History: 740
AP Scholar: 5’s in US, Eng Lang, and World History</p>

Academic Decathlon:4 years, 4 medals and honorable mention last year, #1 B student in conference, #1 scorer from my school for 2 years (this year still pending…though itll likely be 3 years)
Junior Statesmen of America: 3 years, State-level leader 2 years, 3 summer symposiums on Leadership and Politics
Traveling Spirits: 1 year, organized and attended trips and presentations on Guatemala and Thailand
Food Not Bombs: Cook and distribute vegetarian food to the homeless in Los Angeles
Comedy Club: 4 years, President and performer of over 10 stand-up comedy shows at school, Sportsmans Lodge Hotel and have been invited to other venues
Volunteer: Veterans Hospital for a year, and a local hospital for 4 years</p>

Honor Roll for 4 years
Venture’s Scholar 2 years
National Merit Commended</p>

<p>Why Reed?
My essay is quite long, but, in short: I’m an activist, intellectual, and quirky kid. I read and quote Marx and Sartre for fun, I see George Carlin as a visionary, and I’m a vegetarian atheist and libertarian socialist who walks the walk.</p>

<p>I’ll comment only on your essay topic because when it comes to the numbers they’re strong enough not to put you out of contention.</p>

<p>I love your topic as it shows that you’re a quirky and curious individual. But I’m afraid that it’s so strongly Reed-defintion student that they may see it and think that you’re simply trying to say what they want to hear rather than be genuine about yourself and your interests in the college. If your standard essay balances out with your Why Reed essay, though, you should be okay. Just make sure to stay true to your character.</p>

<p>libertarian socialist?</p>

<p>Good chances for Reed and Colby. Stanford is a lottery school for everyone. Don’t worry about your essay topic. There is no “right or wrong” essay topic, and colleges look for students who are a match with their student body, so it’s fine if you fit the stereotypical mold a bit. If you feel that your essay is authentic and honest, it will be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>“libertarian socialist”</p>

<p>I saw this pop up once before; what an interesting concept and apparent contradiction!</p>

<p>libertarian = conservative who smokes dope</p>

<p>libertarian socialist = conservative who smokes dope naked</p>

<p>Ah, thanks; how easily we forget these things!</p>