<p>I know this type of question is made all the time, but I was just wondering what you think my chances are for admittance into Stanford. Any feedback is appreciated and thanks for your time</p>
<p>Class Rank 1/223
GPA w 4.58 uw 4.0</p>
<p>Test Scores<br>
ACT 33
Reading 34
Science 33
Math 35
English 30
SAT Subject Scores
Math II 770
Chemistry 790
US History 760</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars
4 Years Chess Team, two years captain
3 Years Academic Team, two years captain
3 Years German Honor Society, one year president
2 Years National Honor Society, one year president
1 Year Marching Band</p>
<p>Then I just had a couple questions
1. I took a subpar SAT along time ago (2040), but its going to follow my subject scores. Will the admisisions committee look at my ACT over my bad SAT reasoning?
2. I'm from the Mid West so I was just wondering if the geographic difference had any impact on my potential admittance. </p>
<p>Again, thank you for any commentary and advice and if you want to know anything else don't hesitate to ask.</p>
<p>I think I’ve invested myself pretty well. I didn’t do that much when I was a freshman but after that the ball got rolling. I’ve invested major amounts of time into building my school chess team from 109th in Illinois all the way up to 37th, along the way I also joined a private out of school team. Beyond that I’ve also spent some pretty significant time in my school’s academic team and gotten in about 50 service hours for my school’s National Honor Society and helped to cooridinate a blood drive for my school.</p>