<p>SAT: 2000 (720 M, 660 CR, 620 W)
SAT II: 800 Math 2, 670 Chem
ACT: 30
UC Weighted: 3.9583</p>
<p>But here is my breakdown for all my grades my sophomore and junior years:
AP Calculus AB: A/A
AP Calculus BC: A/A
AP Statistics: B/B
AP European History: A/A
AP Physics: B/B
AP Chemistry: A/A
AP US History: B/C
Honors Humanities: B/B
Chemistry: A/A
American Literature: A/A
Spanish 3-4: A/A
Spanish 5-6: A/A</p>
Boy Scout ( Eagle Scout)
Track and Field ( 4 years)
Work 6 hours a week for 2 years
Academic League (4 years)
Science Olympiad ( 4 years)
Tae Kwon Do ( 6+ years, Black Belt)
California Scholarship Federation ( 3 Years)
National Honor Society ( 2 Years)
Six-time Silver Star Award Recipient ( 4.0 or above)</p>
<p>come on yo chance me!</p>
<p>What about your AP scores?
And just to let you know, Caltech isn’t a normal school.
These kids breathe math and science, they don’t just like it.
You seem more like an ivy student :/</p>
<p>I would say Caltech is a long reach.</p>
<p>AP Calc AB: 5
AP Calc BC: 5
AP Physics: 4
AP US History: 4
AP Statistics: 4
AP Chemistry: 3
AP European History: 3</p>
<p>Okay, the two 5s on Calc is going to help you, along with the 800 Math 2 SAT.
You appear to be a total beast at math, and that’s great!
BUT, regarding the “engineering” part…
that 4 is going to hurt you, especially if it was in Physics B (unless that’s all your school offers) and a 3 in chemistry, although good, wouldn’t be enough to help you pass the deadly core requirements. They don’t take AP credit, because most of the classes assume that you’ve gotten 5s on all of your tests. :/</p>
<p>Academic League (4 years)
Science Olympiad ( 4 years)
^^ these are going to help, because you demonstrate interest in science, and not just math.</p>
<p>Track and Field ( 4 years)
Tae Kwon Do ( 6+ years, Black Belt)
^^ these show how you are going to contribute to the athletics at the school, big plus!</p>
<p>I would say you should try MIT, because you seem more straight math focused.
But if you’re set on Caltech, I would say it’s not a really long reach, but it’s still not easy.</p>
<p>thanks guys!!
Yeah our chemistry department is a little weak, considering that our teacher was on a leave of absence for nearly 2 months 
I know my grades are TERRIBLE for a school like Caltech
but do I at least stand a chance?</p>
<p>We don’t offer computer engineering as a major just so you know. You could hack something like it together from EE and CS, but still. You’re a smart guy, and have some nice EC’s, but I think your chances at Caltech are slim to none. The chem and phys are worrisome, while your math is ok (for Caltech). </p>
<p>No offense, but you don’t have a whole lot going on for you math and science wise, and that’s what hurts you. You’ve done science olympiad, and I recognize that, but you have no awards from it (that you’ve mentioned). You’ll be competing with kids who did research in high school, get 5’s and 780+ on all science standardized tests, and/or took college courses in advanced math. I’m not trying to knock you, but in my honest opinion, when they look at your app, they’ll probably doubt your ability to hack Core.</p>
<p>I wish you the best of luck come April.</p>
<p>don’t cry! I think you have a fair shot! but I’m usually optimistic…so… lol
but still! look at that beautiful 800 in Math II :P</p>
<p>question to Dauntless9:
holy moly, is Caltech that hard to get in? omg…</p>
<p>Aw, I apologize. I hate to be such a downer, as I respect all of you and think you’ll do just fine at whatever science or engineering program you end up at, but I’m going to respond honestly. The truth is, 1/3 of Techers did some sort of research in high school. Getting an 800 on the SAT II math isn’t outstanding, it’s pretty much expected. Just about every kid I’ve met here was a total beast at math and science in high school. </p>
<p>Hey, for the record, I didn’t think I was going to get in when I saw what other kind of people were applying. But somehow I did. So keep your chin up in the mean time. I’m certainly not on admissions. I do know however that being accomplished is not the entire battle; showing that you have the passion and love for what you do is just as important in order to show that you can pull through the difficult times when work threatens to overwhelm you.</p>