<p>I am a senior</p>
<p>GPA: UW-3.6 W-4.0</p>
<p>SAT: Reading-590 Math-610 Writing-680</p>
<p>EC: 4-year varsity letter for Golf (2 year captain), 3 years of basketball, 4 years of Key Club, 3 years of Spanish Club, 2 years of DECA (State finalist), Also did work with Habitat for Humanity</p>
<p>AP/Honors: AP Psych, AP Government, AP Spanish, Honors English 4, Honors Spanish for 3 years prior to AP, honors US History 2, Honors Math Analysis Honors</p>
<p>Senior sched: AP Government, AP Psych, AP Spanish, English Honors, Math Analysis Honors, Marine Biology</p>
<p>What are my chances at these schools: University of Maryland, Penn State, University of Florida, and Villanova??</p>