
I am a senior and I guess you could say I've slacked off for most of my highschool career. Due to many home life issues I never really applied myself. I'm one of those kids that the teacher always says "He could easily be getting an A in this class" in the conferences. Anyways here are my stats:</p>

<p>-2.0 GPA after junior year (but has probably gone up because of this years grades)</p>

CR= 550
W= 480
M= 610</p>

<p>-No need for any financial aid or loans</p>

<p>I applied to Suffolk, UMO, Northeastern, Wentworth Institute of technology, BU, NYU, UMB. </p>

<p>I have been rejected by Northeastern and UMO and wait listed by Suffolk and Wentworth.</p>

<p>I know I applied to schools that were well out of my range as far as grades. If anyone knows of any colleges that may accept me due to my funding please feel free to tell me. I would like to get into Suffolk at this point since I am looking for an urban college in New England. (It's ok if its not in New England though)</p>

<p>There are a lot of colleges that would accept you, I suppose you are only applying for rolling admissions this late in the year.
Here’s a list of late deadline schools:
[Late</a> & Rolling Deadline Schools](<a href=“]Late”>Late Deadline Schools: Finding one and getting in with a great college essay)
If you’re looking at humanities for a major, try the schools that have a Great Books-style curriculum. Many of them are religious, so if you don’t want that , it might not be for you.</p>

<p>There are many hidden gems, and a lot of duds. You still have time though, so work it as hard as you can in you favor.</p>