
<p>hey all,</p>

<p>the following is my brother's resume (he's a senior this year).
What are his chances of getting into Harvard EA? </p>


<p>SATI: 2380
SATII: hebrew 800, physics 790, math 2C 790, US history 800,
World history 790</p>

<p>rank - 6th out of 420 </p>

<p>GPA W: ~4.75 (out of 5)
GPA UW: 3.9 (out fo 4).</p>



<p>Honors Math A
Honors Computer proggraming A
Honors History A
Honors Chemistry B+
Regular English A
latin 2 A</p>


<p>AP Biology A- (5)
AP US history A (5)
Honors Math A
Honors English A-
latin 3 A</p>

<p>Senior (this year)</p>

<p>AP calc BC
AP Stats
AP Physics
AP US government
AP European History
Honors English
Latin 4</p>


<p>-Completed a 4 year secondary Jewish school at the top of his class.
was a member of the student council of this school.</p>

<p>-Published a weekly Jewish Newsletter at our Jewish community of about 2000 people during his junior year and this year. </p>

<p>-was editorial writer of school paper for 4 years. did two interviews with a prestigious Israeli activist and wrote an article about it which was highly acclaimed.</p>

<p>-during freshman year, he helped found his school's Jewish Student union,
during sophomore and junior year he was the Treasurer of this union, and is the president this year.</p>

<li>was a member of the WUJS (world union of jewish students) and of Betar (a zionist activist youth group) and helped coordinate several projects and events in the boston area.</li>


<p>-received the national Kaufman award for excellence in Jewish studies.</p>

<p>-received the Jewish national fund award for extraordinary acheivment in Jewish activism.</p>

<li><p>received the national latin exam award for 3 year straight, and will probably
receive one this year as well.</p></li>
<li><p>at the age of 9, (we lived in Israel at the time) he wrote poetry about our
autistic brother, for which he recived an award from an Israel Autism organization, and which was published as a small book and sold almost 1500 copies.</p></li>

<p>Community service:</p>

<p>-~30 hours an a Jewish summer proggram.</p>

<li><p>15-20 hours of service cleaning at our temple.</p></li>
<li><p>60 hours of community service at a one year proggram working as an aid for disabled jewish children.</p></li>

<p>that's about it. sorry for the length everyone lol.
What do you believe are his chances for Harvard EA this fall?</p>

<p>Thank you all in advance for your comments!</p>

<p>you have a decent shot as everyone else.</p>

<p>why aren't all your "my chances" thread consistent?</p>

<p>Heres a quote from one of your other threads:</p>

<p>"- published a book of poetry at the age of 10 in Israel (where I lived at the time). The book sold ~3500 copies at
a fund raiser event for autistic children (my brother is autistic and was thus the theme of my book). My book received the Israeli National Award for Poetry."</p>

<p>So both YOU AND YOUR BROTHER published some poetry within one year of each other, on the exact same topic, and both were acclaimed? right..</p>

<p>In this quote, you claim that that poetry sold 3500~ copies, yet in another topic, you said it sold 10 000~.</p>

<p>not to mention both of you did the same exact SAT II's, with almost the exact same score.. also, both of you are ranked 6th in your school. </p>

<p>no offence, but i smell bs.</p>

<p>Joethemole, the user clearly said: "the following is my brother's resume (he's a senior this year). What are his chances of getting into Harvard EA?"</p>

<p>does he only do stuff related to Jews?</p>

<p>yea, his main passion is his Jewish pride/zionist beliefs.</p>


<p>7-10-2005, 02:37 PM
Junior Member</p>

<p>Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 206</p>

<p>Chances at Harvard/Yale
Hello everyone, I was wondering what my chances are.</p>

<p>My resume is as follows:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.75 W (out of 5)
SAT: 2320 total. (780 M, 780 V, 760 W)
SAT2: Hebrew 800, Physics 790, math IIC 780, World history 800, US history 790.</p>

<p>In highschool I will be garduating with 8 AP's and 6 Honors.</p>


<p>-Completed a four year curriculum at a Secondary school
(Hebrew College) specializing in Jewish Studies, with outstanding marks (4.0 GPA).</p>

<p>-Opinions writer of high school paper for 4 years.</p>

<p>-member of my school's Jewish Student union for 2 years,
officer during Junior year, and then president for my comming senior year.</p>

<p>-officer at my area's chapter of USY (United Synagogue Youth) for 2 years. Organized many Jewish events.</p>

<p>-member of the American Poetry society for 3 years, was
a finalist for a national poetry competitiion (out of 100 finalists nation-wide).</p>

<p>-rode horses for 6 years (not competitively, but as a hobby).</p>


<li><p>recieved a national Jewish award for outstading acheivement in the hebrew school mentioned above.</p></li>
<li><p>received awards for highscore on the national Latin exam
3 years in a row.</p></li>

<p>-received honor roll during every term so far in highschool
(expecting to have them all for my senior year)</p>

<li>published a book of poetry at the age of 10 in Israel (where I lived at the time). The book sold ~3500 copies at
a fund raiser event for autistic children (my brother is autistic and was thus the theme of my book). My book received the Israeli National Award for Poetry.</li>

<p>-received an award from my Jewish Community for "extraordinary involvement"</p>

<p>Community service:</p>

<li>worked at a 6 week summer camp which involved much community service (about 40 hours).</li>

<p>-joined a program in which I worked as an aid for disabled children during my junior year (the whole school year ~35 hours).</p>

<p>-did alot of community service at my temple (200+ hours).</p>

<p>That's it. Sorry about the length everyone.
Thank's in advance for your responses.</p>

<p>"Joethemole, the user clearly said: "the following is my brother's resume (he's a senior this year). What are his chances of getting into Harvard EA?""</p>


<p>not to mention, no jew would call his/her place of worship a "temple"</p>

<p>w/e. It would be a great hook if he got Sharon to personally express his gratitude for his services :)</p>

<p>ur really jewish</p>


<p>Actually, while you wouldn't hear a Jew call his place of worship a chapel or a church, temple is a common synonym for a synagogue (as in the phrase "Second Temple Period" or "the destruction of the Temple"). See for example, culled randomly from the Internet:</p>

<p>Temple Beth Shalom: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Temple Rodef Shalom: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Temple Beth Zion: <a href=""&gt;;/a>
Temple Beth David: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>I call my place of worship a temple, and I'm jewish. E.g.
"I'm going to temple tonight"
blah blah</p>