
<p>From Ohio, going to be a senior, wanting to major in actuarial science.</p>

<p>GPA- 3.44w, 3.1 unweighted
ACT- retaking, have been averaging 30-31 on practice tests
SAT- i dont think im sending it

<p>-Junior and Senior class Senator in student government. 6th grade camp counselor. volunteering at soup kitchens for a total of 10-15 hours. total of about 25-30 volunteer hours. part-time job. varsity in 2 sports, also play in other leagues outside of school. Salvation Army co-chair for the school.</p>

<p>-6AP, all honors available i have taken. by graduation i will have...
12 semesters of math
12 semesters of science
8 of english/ social studies
4 of language
not sure on electives at the moment</p>

<p>class rank is top 30% not sure of exact numbers. but i come from a school where we have about 700 per grade and is competitive</p>

<p>I was OOS all honors/AP, 28 ACT (23 on English killed me), 4.1 weighted, 3.3 unweighted, URM, 4 year varsity sport, Senior Class rep, retreat leader, 50 hrs tutoring, first generation, and a few other small ec’s. I applied early, wrote compelling essays, and was accepted. I am an incoming freshman. My advice is to apply early, and write essays that will captivate your story. Let the admission’s committee know how and why you will strengthen the student body. I didn’t include any letters of recommendation, but I strongly suggest you include one or two teacher recs aside from your counselor’s recommendation. I think you have a good shot if you follow my advice; and if you do get a 30+ on your ACT, it will definitely be closer to a shoe-in.</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice</p>

<p>Your gpa (and remember only the unweighted one is used) seems low. It will be important to the admissions committee whether it kept rising- if your junior year gpa is much higher than your freshman one- or if it is the same all three years. Probably the most important year for HS students is the junior one- the most recent grades seen by admissions committees. Some people underperform relative to their ability freshman year and finally decide to settle down and concentrate by junior year. The overall gpa can be pulled down by this, the reason they will look at the trend in grades as well as the overall gpa.</p>

<p>There is a chart on the UW admissions site showing required credits in the various subjects and what typical students will have taken. It looks like you are competitive there- and would not need to take a foreign language at UW to meet any school/college’s graduation requirements. HS students should always try to exceed minimum requirements to be competitive.</p>

<p>Your ACT can look good as well. Concentrate on doing your best senior year and your essays.</p>

<p>Note- I tried to write a response many others could learn from.</p>

<p>Swim Team (10-12), Lacrosse Team (11-12), Golf team (11), Track (10), Basketball (9), Student Government (9-12, Senior Class Senator, Salvation Army Co-Chair, Junior Class Senator), Model United Nations, Fall Rec. Soccer League, Summer/Fall Lacrosse League, Volunteering at a Soup Kitchen, 6th Grade Camp Counselor, Boys State Finalist for my School, One of only a few students asked to attend meeting when Ohio State President Gordon Gee came to our school, Science student of the year in 9th grade, Teen Institute Camp (drug prevention. 9th grade. Selected by principle).
And i was wrong before. I actually have about 80 comunity service hours</p>

<p>The UW-Madison application is online and available now. My daughter applied on 9/1 and has already received her NetID, and has checked her application status which shows that UW has received her HS transcript, her ACT/SAT score and her application fee.</p>

<p>Link to the application: <a href=“UW System Admissions Application”>UW System Admissions Application;

<p>Link to a Tip Sheet on the required essays: [Application</a> Tip Sheet - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Application”></p>

<p>Link to some FAQs (scroll down a bit) [Ask</a> Us a Question - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Ask”></p>

<p>Madison85 - how long did it take for your daughter to receive her NetID? Did it get emailed to her the same day after she applied? Thanks.</p>

<p>She applied on 9/1 and received an email with her NetID on 9/2. She hasn’t received the email with the instructions on activating the NetID but she found the info here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Madison85 - Thanks for the link! My daughter submitted her application today along with her ACT scores & grade transcripts. The waiting has offically started. Good luck to your daughter!</p>

<p>fishnschool - Good luck to your daughter, too!</p>

<p>Good luck guys and thanks for the help</p>