
<p>White Male from outside Philadelphia, Pa
4.24 - Weighted GPA
3.95 - Unweighted
7/250 - Class Rank</p>

<p>SAT: Math – 640
Reading – 560
Writing – 590
(I know it's low. I just could not do well on them.)</p>

<p>APs Taken:
-US History
-English Language and Composition

-Class President
-Secretary of National Honor Society
-President of Spanish Club
-President and Founder of Young Democrats of America</p>

-History Club
-Junior Statesmen of America
-Key Club
-Math League
-Model UN
-National Honor Society
-Spanish Club
-Stock Market Club
-Varsity Club</p>

-Varsity Baseball
-Varsity Golf</p>

<p>Summer Experiences:
-I was selected and give a scholarship to attend a 4-day leadership camp</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I have worked the same part-time job for the past 3 years working around 25 hours a week</p>

<p>Community Service:
-I tutor at the local elementary school
-I help out at the local church handing out community meals to the poor
-I take part in roadside cleanups with my school
-I helped organize my schools Relay for Life
-I help volunteer at the local little league by umpiring baseball games</p>

<p>Great GPA, Great EC's and Great overall profile.
unfortunately, your SAT scores will need work. While they are solid scores, they do fall slightly below the average at Miami and thus I would reccommend practicing for the SAT and take it once more. </p>

<p>As you stand right now, Miami is a match if not high match.</p>

<p>Scholarships: be it not for ur SAT scores u would be an excellent candidate for a 1/2 tuition scholaship or even more. However ur SAT scores which are average at best for UM, would prevent u from getting scholarshp money.
raise ur SAT scores a little bit and u have an excellent chance at getting money thrown at u by UM.</p>

<p>Did you take the ACT? It's worth looking into. My S did much better on the ACT than the SAT's. Also did you take the SAT's just once? If so, I would recommend taking it again as they use the highest scores from each. Your GPA is great so if you could just nudge up the SAT's or see what you can do on the ACT you have a good chance.
Good luck!</p>

<p>apply early action and I'd be suprised if you didn't get in.</p>

<p>my only advice (apart from the obvious sats), is to only put down the clubs in which you held leadership in or were really involved in. if you put down all those clubs, all that community service, say that you played 2 varsity sports, and say that you worked 25 hours a week... that seems a little stretched. and they wont believe you. it's better to be really committed to less than slightly involved in many things.</p>

<p>Like everyone else said,</p>

<p>SAT score is about 80-100 pts below average. The average SAT score for Miami is about a 1280-1460.</p>

<p>You'll get in. EASY.</p>

<p>According to US news the average SAT is 1180-1360
im not sure if that was a typo or what...but you are 70 points below the middle. still a good chance though...i think at least.</p>