Chanes please?

<p>I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me if I have a chance at getting into the University of Wisconsin...</p>

<p>I am a rising senior planning to apply as an out-of-state student...I am from Potomac, Maryland (right outside of DC). I attend a highly ranked public school which I have been told can be a plus, not so sure though. These are my stats....</p>

WGPA: 4.14
ACT: 24 (with no essay)
SAT: 1630 (retaking)</p>

<p>197 community service hours
Rowing Club: 9,10,11 (in-charge of recruitment)
Class Planning: 9,10,11 (an officer of the executive board)
National Honor Society: 11 (junior officer)
Red Cross Club: 9,10,11
Community Serice Club: 9,10,11
Total of 6 AP classes: Psychology, Human Geography, Enviormental Science, Literature, Language, Photography</p>

<p>Summer '09---I am leaving in a week to build houses in New Orleans, LA. I also work at a local ice cream shop.</p>

<p>Summer '08---I participated in a 3 week volunteer program in Olympic National Park where I worked on trail restoration and development.</p>

<p>Explore the UW admissions website including their chances chart- test scores/unweighted gpa shows your chances at 50% or less.</p>

<p>Honestly, and not to break your heart, I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Many of my friends from my Minnesotan high school applied this past fall with non-weighted GPAs of 3.75 and up and ACT scores of 27 and up and didn’t get in. </p>

<p>However! that’s not to say you shouldn’t apply. Always chase your dreams until there is no possible avenue to pursue.</p>

<p>When I first looked at this, I’m thinking big reach. Your SAT scores should be at least 1850 or 1900. But your EC’s are excellent and you should really emphasize your contribution to rebuilding New Orleans this summer. I’ll now call it a slight reach. It’s a great school, so good luck…but have a back up plan.</p>