change in application status page

<p>My S applied EA to the college of engineering and got deferred. On his application status page the line for admission decision has been removed. It previously used to say deferred-until final review. Does it mean anything in terms of actual admission.</p>

<p>Same with my S’s application status page. He applied RD in early November and until now it has said “Complete ready for review, manual review required” or something similar. Now the line is gone completely. Hopefully this means a decision is forthcoming sooner rather than later.</p>

<p>Of course, the other possibility is that they did something with everyone’s status when the U of I system took down the application status pages for “routine maintenance” yesterday morning.</p>

<p>Now it says that you can no longer view your decision online, but that decisions will be posted on Feb. 13 at 5 p.m. CST. Guess we’ll all be out of our misery then!</p>

<p>omg can’t wait… I’ve been deferred and the wait has been so long…</p>

<p>Removal of info in that line often means a decision on you has been made but it won’t be released until Feb 13.</p>

<p>so feb 13th 5:00 pm CST or EST?</p>

<p>cst… we all waiting on it</p>

<p>Ugh, I got deferred too.
I hope I get in…</p>

<p>so that will be 6:00 EST right?</p>

<p>will they send out emails at the same time?</p>

<p>I got deferred also, now the admission decision line and admission status line is missing. On the website it is written that they will directly post the result on 13th Feb. So Best of Luck all of you.</p>

<p>Yes it will be 5 pm as that was when they did the Early Admittance results and it was like at 5:04 (i was refreshing like crazy)</p>

<p>No email at that time.</p>

<p>around one more week… tadadada!!!</p>

<p>so is everyone’s status line disappeared already?</p>

<p>mine has … 10 char</p>

<p>yeah, mine has dissappeared for quite some time now … cant wait… i got deferred on EA so i think i might get rejected …</p>