<p>I just checked the status and it changed to "a decision has been made and will be mailed to you. Please review the material carefully for the next steps." Any thoughts on how long until we hear?</p>
<p>My S had the same message. Perhaps the need to “review carefully” is a good sign. S heard EA decisions by Jan 1.</p>
<p>“next steps” sounds good too…</p>
<p>My daughter applied EA to Albany and her status is still being reviewed…</p>
<p>“Please pay particular attention to your decision letter as it will instruct you about your next steps.” This is the same message that I received, and if you think about it logically what possible next steps could you have if you were rejected. I believe the only next step could be to formally accept our admission into the university. Also it’s a very good sign that a decision was given so quickly. Usually they accept the best applicants first, and then the one’s on the fence are either deferred to regular decision, accepted or rejected. Hope we all got in!</p>
<p>I agree it can’t be bad news. Worst case is deferral resulting in close attention needing to be paid. But still leaning toward indication of acceptance.</p>
<p>How do you check this? I saw the thing on the website but I don’t know my Albany ID. Where do you find that out?</p>
<p>Mine says, “Your application appears complete and will be reviewed by the admissions committee shortly. Notification of decisions will begin on January 1.”</p>
<p>Is that what your message was before it changed? Albany’s my safety…</p>
<p>Albany should have sent you an ID and PW via email or smail mail</p>
<p>phishfan, my D had Albany and Oneonta as safeties too, and she hasn’t gotten any status changes from either!!! Hope you both get in next week!</p>
<p>next week? I thought decisions come in january 1st?</p>
<p>I got some news that may be good for you. I applied as a transfer for the upcoming spring semester. I had my status changed to the same thing yours says. After about three days I got mail from them saying I was accepted. So your looking good!</p>
<p>My son had the response changed on his status… it changed to
“The admissions committee has reviewed your application and a decision has been made. You should receive a decision letter in the mail shortly.
Please pay particular attention to your decision letter as it will instruct you about your next steps.”</p>
<p>I too agree that it sounds like he should either being getting a letter of acceptance or I guess he could be deferred?? Though I would think that decision would be made later. I wish the news was posted on the Internet. This waiting is "killer!! "</p>
<p>Hey suboff80proof, thanks for that info thats very good news. I have an idea to help sort of solve this problem, anyone who recieved the stays please pay particular attention to should post their stats. This should help us make a more reasonable decision. My stats were cr-570 m-510 w-580, gpa 3.6, class rank 16 of 129, and a ridiculous amount of leadership positions, along with an internship, and community service.</p>
<p>My daughter is 1230/1600 (albany doesn’t count the writing); her school gpa is weird but like an A minus/B plus (school doesn’t rank) in mostly regents but some APs, lots of ecs. Not a minority, in-state. I think she said she wanted to major in English. Applied maybe October and status checker says complete and decisions go out Jan 1. Good luck to everyone!!!</p>
<p>I just read this post and had to check my son’s status. It says the same. he’s a B student. His school doesn’t weigh or rank, but it’s one of NYC’s specialized science schools (don’t really know if this even matters, but it’s one tough school). I also am an alumni.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if last years acceptees had similar messages?</p>
<p>Phishfan, that was what the status read before this recent change.</p>
<p>okay, my kid’s just changed (I’m the only one in the house checking status) I guess we’ll find out what those next steps are all about…</p>
<p>I just wanted to add that my son’s SATs were 1290/1860, and Math 2 SAT II was 680.</p>
<p>It seems like a lot of people got this message. I’m hoping its not just generic. Upon reading it, I thought for sure I was in because it sounds just like it. Guess only time will tell, January is to far away. Good luck to all.</p>
<p>Unless the “next steps” are directives not to have your mom call the admissions office and threaten to sue because you didn’t get in.</p>
<p>I hope this is good news and that phishfan gets the same…it’s important for schools to have a decent phishfan quota…</p>