<p>What are my chances for Georgetown EA, UNC EA, and Vanderbilt, UVA, Davidson, Furman, and American Regular? I just got into Tulane on a snap app.</p>
<p>SATs: Reading: 720 Writing: 710 Math: 750</p>
<p>SAT IIs: Biology E: 640 Math I: 680 Spanish w/Listening: 730 Math II: 670 Chemistry: 600</p>
<p>Grades: on a 7 point scale, cumulative is around a 6.00</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars: Spanish Tutor Jr Year, Spanish Club All Years, Yearbook Editor Senior Year, Yearbook Staff Soph-Jr Year, JV Volleyball Fresh-Soph, Varsity Volleyball Jr, Girls' Golf Captain Sr. Year, Varsity Softball All Years, Life Teen Confirmation, Boys' Basketball Manager Soph-Jr Year, Green Key Spirit Leader Sr. Year.</p>
<p>National Merit Commendation, National Spanish Exam 1st Place Gold winner Freshman and Sophomore Year.</p>
<p>APs: US History Jr. Year, Chemistry, Economics, English Lit, and Calculus AB Senior Year.</p>
<p>Chance me and I promise I'll chance you back!!</p>
<p>You look STRONG all the way round. Your SATS are phenomenal. You have great awards/honors. I say you stand an 80% + chance at all of those schools, if not better.</p>
<p>You’re definitely in at Furman…I got in with a similar math SAT score and lower in the other sections…I also have two friends who got in with lower stats than mine (and one of them had a pretty bad essay–I wonder if they really even pay attention to essays). I was offered a pretty decent scholarship, so I would say you’ll be looking at some merit money too.</p>
<p>I don’t know too much about admissions at the other schools though.</p>
<p>Hard to judge your gpa, but I would say something like in at American, Furman, and Davidson, and a good chance at UVA/UNC (75%), and still a decent chance at Vandy/Georgetown (70%). Good luck!</p>
<p>Also, if it helps, I’ve visited/toured/info sessioned at all of the schools I am applying to, so I think they count demonstrated interest at all of them but UNC or maybe it was UVA, I can’t remember! </p>
<p>Please please chance me I’ll chance you back! I hear from Georgetown in a week and I’m really nervous!</p>
<p>Hmm… I think you have a really great shot at each due to your high SAT I score, the IIs are lacking a little bit at your high end universities but I don’t think it’ll be much of a problem (Maybe Gtown, i don’t know). The thing about your app though is that I don’t have a clear idea of the GPA, i’m just guessing it’s good.</p>
<p>Everywhere is pretty much solid except gtown, uva b/c they’re hard no matter what. The Early Action at Gtown is really hard to get into from what I’ve heard
Good luck!</p>