Change of major from Computer Science to ECE

I will be attending Purdue in fall '15. And I want to know if anyone has changed their major from CS to ECE.
Is it difficult?
Are there any easier ways to get into ECE?
Any courses that you might want to suggest me for an easier transition?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:

Talk to your advisor about the CODO process and get that done asap.

Yes it’s possible. Talk to your advisor about it. The problem is CS students are admitted in College of Science & ECE students start in (FYE) College of Engineering. So, prerequisites for both majors are different. If by chance your advisor didn’t approve CODO to FYE at this point, you can always change it later and still graduate in 4 years. If you are determined to change to ECE and in case your CODO process is not approved at this point, I recommend you to register for FYE (First Year Engineering) courses such as PHYS 172, MA 161, CHM 115, ENGL 106 which counts in CS major too. You should compare the plan of study for ECE and CS and register for those courses in your first semester that counts for both majors. PM me if you want to know more.

If you have scholarship money like the Presidential scholarship, be aware that you may lose your scholarship by switching majors. Many scholarships are college specific. For example, if you have a scholarship from the College of Science and switch to the College of Engineering, the scholarship does not always follow you. Check with an advisor to be sure. You don’t want any bad financial surprises.