Change of Major Process

<p>I was admitted through Early Action for the Fall 2014 semester. My current declared major is Human and Social Development: Individual and Relational Development in the School of Education. After great thought, I would like to change my major to Advertising in the School of Communication. It said on the UM website that I have to email admissions in order for them to change it. I have emailed them. i was wondering how long does this process take? Is there any further action that I need to take? Are there any additional steps?</p>

<p>I am sure they will get back to you. It is their busiest time of the year sorting out 30,000 applicants ! I would wait until after RD decisions come out in March and contact them again (by phone). If it doesn’t get changed via admissions you can always do it when you sit down with your adviser in the Fall before classes start.</p>

<p>Reach out to someone in the Comm School. They have great advisors and will tell you what you need to do. I don’t think you’ll have any issue. Good luck!</p>

<p>@biocellar @greenynj thank you both for the help!</p>