Change of name on class rosters and such

<p>I am posting this in the Parent section as I figured some parents may have some experience with this.</p>

<p>I will be starting college in a couple of weeks. I'm not from the US originally, and have a name that is quite difficult to pronounce. I'm currently going through the legal process of having my first and last name legally changed.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, the legal process will not be complete by the time I begin classes in a few weeks. I was hoping I could use my soon to be new name from the get go, as I just think it would be a big mess to have to change everything (confusing for professors also).</p>

<p>Is it possible to have the university add my soon to be new name on all university rosters and such, even before I have completed the legal process? Any other advice?</p>


<p>How can we know? Speak w/the college administrators and seek their counsel.</p>

<p>You can informally change your name by introducing yourself to everyone in your dorm and your class by your new chosen name. You can let your professors know that you prefer to be called by your new chosen name.
Everyone wants to call you by the name you want to useā€¦the legal process is irrelevant for daily life, and the easiest time for a transition is at the beginning.</p>