Changes in senior schedule


<p>i have question about the ucla policy bout changes in schedule</p>

<p>nd on the application this were senior classes</p>

<p>AP gov nd politics ( IP PL)
AP Eng lit (IP PL)
Chem AB (IP PL)
Physiology (IP PL)
Micro Economic AP (IP PL)</p>

<p>but my schedule would be</p>

<p>AP gov nd Politic (IP No)
AP Macro Econ (No PL)</p>

<p>cuz the first semester is gov nd second is econ</p>

<p>i forgot to put No nd PL on Gov nd Econ</p>

<p>nd there was no AP macro Econ section when i was doing the application</p>

<p>Nd I took the both AP macro nd micro econ exams...</p>

<p>should i report? will they rescin me for this?</p>

<p>I had same issue (NO and PL on gov and econ). I reported it to ucinfo and then uninfo transferred my report to UCLA, then UCLA asked me to report to a site. After 15 days, they told me the admission status is no change.</p>

<p>You should let them know because they would match your final transcript with the items you listed on your app. But the time is so close now, I think you should call them to see what the FAST way to do.</p>

<p>Thank you
but like im worrying that
there wont be any problem right?
if i correct my mistakeā€¦</p>

<p>there was no problems in my case,but I did worry for it took so long for admission office to reply to me.</p>