Changes to Business School Admissions

<p>I read somewhere that students will now be able to apply to the business school earlier than after their sophomore will this affect next years sophomores who will have both their class and the class of '12 to compete against for admission spots?</p>

<p>That is true. Starting next year sophs can apply and in 2009 they will take well qualified freshman. The number of spots will be about the same and it won't have much impact on the competition except for one year but as the same kids won't be applying the next year (as jrs) it should even out quickly.</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> Program</p>

<p>but i feel like the class of '11 is getting ripped off because they have to compete with the class of '12 next year and if they don't get in, then the '13 class plus the larger than normal number of people in their class that didn't get in. Eventually, it will even out, but not until this years freshman are graduated.</p>

<p>I'm sure they will make it fair to all classes. Sophs may be admitted but not start taking classes until the next year and they will allow the normal number of rising Jrs in. It will work out fairly. The Dean wants more students, not fewer.</p>

<p>Yeah that makes since, thanks for the info</p>