changes to direct admit process/business

am wondering if anyone knows what has been happening with the process this past year: at a summer session, we were told the top 25% of applicants would be invited to apply for direct admit. By Dec, it was "everyone who indicates an interest in business’ is invited to apply. S applied, (obviously now with no idea of whether he was in 'top 25%), was not offered direct admit; then over a month later receives an email offering direct admit as they ‘have more spots than expected’. He has seen same on social media apparently with other students. Any idea what’s going on? Or how many direct admits they now want? (I think last yr it was in 100-120 range?).I have always wondered how much discussion goes on behind the scenes regarding this standard prebusiness/direct admit process when other good business programs just admit kids directly ie Minnesota, Miami (OH), Kelley IU, Iowa (with WI kids going there instead)