Changes to Recontracting for CURRENT UA Residents

<p>Thanks everyone. Since re-contracting is done so early in the year, my point & question is whether current students “knowing” that East Edge was offered as a sanctioned option for honors scholarship students to move out of the dorms will have the ability to “plan” for that to be offered again (as a proactive choice) so that they can decline their dorm option during re-contracting and “choose” East Edge as their housing option for next year?</p>

<p>^^ I hope that East Edge can be offerred as a sanctioned option (or clearly indicated that it won’t be a sanctioned option) early enough to allow honors scholarship students to plan when it comes time to recontract.</p>

<p>I really think Housing will allow those students with housing scholarships to remain at East Edge and allow others to choose East Edge again for next year as space allows. I have nothing to back up my thoughts other than a feeling, but the last time I looked it was listed as one of the housing options on the Housing website.</p>

<p>Where is East Edge located?</p>

<p>On the edge of campus by the law school and medical center. Down past Moody Music building, the soccer fields etc.</p>

<p>@ Bamagirls
regarding #14 what are the new complex’s called and where are they?</p>

<p>Just wanted to note that according to the schedule for parent’s weekend, Housing is holding an Off Campus Housing Information Event on Friday at 3:00. </p>

<p>I know that I will be attending because I highly doubt that I’ll be on campus again before it’s time to make a housing decision for next year. With my son travelling home for Thanksgiving and Winter break, I won’t have a reason to make the drive again until spring.</p>

<p>It will be nice to attend to get some basic information, so I can feel semi-informed when it comes time for my son to make a decision since I won’t be able to just run down to campus and tour complexes with him.</p>


<p>Here’s one of them:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ll see if I can find the other one again. It’s downtown, but I cannot remember the name. I’ll post it as soon as it pops back in my mind. :)</p>

<p>This could be the other one I was thinking about. This one opened this fall also.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t have any experience with either of these.</p>

<p>A word to those who might want to look at East Edge this weekend…they hire security over the weekend to keep anyone without a parking permit out from Friday through Sunday. If you want to visit I’d give them a call and check with Jennifer or Kimberly about where you might park.</p>

<p>[East</a> Edge Student Apartments – Tuscaloosa, AL](<a href=“East Edge Apts | Apartments For Rent In Tuscaloosa, AL”>East Edge Apts | Apartments For Rent In Tuscaloosa, AL)</p>

<p>How do kids who live at East Edge and some of these other off-campus housing units get to campus? Do they mostly walk or take a shuttle?</p>

<p>Although my daughter has a car and a spot on campus, she walks to class most days. She walks about eight miles per week. The Crimson Ride has a smaller bus dedicated to running between the complex and the bus hub. It leaves every ten minutes from the bus hub or from the complex from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. or so.</p>

<p>Here’s the link:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>My son rides his bike between East Edge and the campus.</p>

<p>The new complexes I was thinking about were indeed 513, Boulevard Lofts, and Metal Works. I believe Metal Works is condominiums rather than apartments. If anyone is interested, Sealy On Campus, located on The Strip, has some very nice decor and furniture items for those leasing unfurnished units or wanting to add decor. Much of it is very reasonably priced.</p>

<p>Can anyone else weigh in on East Edge and how their student likes living there? How does it compare to the super suites? Is this the apartment building that had so many issues when students were moving in at the beginning of the year?</p>

<p>Yes, it is the complex that wasn’t fully finished in time. The development company and staff did an excellent job of following up and resolving issues…it just took a little while to work through the process. My daughter loves it there.</p>

<p>As much as I liked the super suites, East Edge is much more spacious, has more of a “home” feel, and seems more convenient to me. I have nothing negative to say about the super suites on campus either. It is nice, however, to have all of the amenities and more space.</p>

<p>Everyone’s situation won’t be the same, but it was a great move for our daughter.</p>

<p>It would be great if East Edge held an open house during Family Weekend. Would love to check it out.</p>

<p>There is an app you can use if you decide to take some time to check out off campus housing. I think it is called Alabama Apartments. You just enter the city or zip code and it provides a list, pictures, info, and directions.</p>

<p>I think I caused several of you to panic, but let me see if I can ease some of your concerns.</p>

<p>Each year, we look at our processes to see if they still make sense. I think we learned through last year’s process for incoming freshmen that we had a few changes to make! We don’t want anyone to feel misled or confused, so I wanted to make sure that current students were aware of the date change for recontracting, which is confirmed at this point. (MikeWozowski, we’re working on it!)</p>

<p>Montegut –
Students with housing scholarships will go through recontracting the same way they have in the past. Students who are allowed to recontract will have the option to choose their current space before other students have the opportunity to move themselves into that space. (Good job, BamaMomof3!)</p>

<p>Dad2ILD –
I’m not sure whether or not UA Housing will be using East Edge space next year. That deal was a one-year agreement, so keep your options open for now if you have a housing scholarship.</p>

<p>If your student is planning to use their housing scholarship AT ALL, he or she needs to apply to recontracting, even if they hope to go to East Edge. If it needs to be applied to their UA student account, then it needs to go through Housing.</p>

<p>I hope this helps, and we will continue to update you on any changes to the policies and procedures wiht plenty of time to make plans.</p>



<p>Thanks for the reply. So my D will then re-contract to keep her current space in Ridgecrest South due to her housing scholarship and wait to hear from Housing whether or not East Edge and/or any other off campus housing options become available subsequently that allows her and her roommates to use their housing scholarships for those to-be approved options.</p>

<p>All of those details will be finalized before recontracting begins in January, so students and families will know what the options are in advance. We don’t have it right now, but we’ll have it by then. </p>

<p>When she applies to recontract, all she’s doing is applying to live on campus again. Then there will be a room selection process, and during that time, she could first select her current space, then other spaces in the same building, then choose a space in a different building… depending on her preference.</p>