<p>I was looking at the calendar in the Academic catalog. It says that Reporting-In Day is July 3. Then it says that the Summer Program ends Aug. 13. Does that mean Swab Summer is only 6 weeks this year? I thought that it was usually 7. Also, as a swab are you ever allowed to wear civilian clothing? I understand that during the summer you really can't, but what about when you have liberty, or flying home and stuff. Thanks!</p>
<p>Actually I think it ends the 20th(I know it says 13th on the site) since the Administrative processing starts the 21st. I doubt whether they'll have the swabs "sitting around" for a week. Anyway as far as civilian clothing the rule is you must be in uniform anywhere within 100 miles of the academy. This includes liberties. When you travel you usually wear your uniform to get military discounts but when you get home you can wear civvies(even within the 100 on extended leaves such as the major holidays). If you go overseas on the Eagle(not in the cards this year for swabs) they have you wear civvies for security purposes.</p>
<p>Kiss those civvies good-bye during swab summer.
Blue will be your new "favorite" color!</p>