<p>out of curiosity, when can you change schools within cornell. Even before I applied I was unsure of my choice between CAS and ILR. I ended up choosing CAS ED because I didn't take a necessary math sat2 for ILR and that CAS had a psych major which I really liked. I was just wondering when would be the earliest I would be able to try and transfer to ILR if I realize that it's the right college for me.</p>
<p>Yes, it is called an internal transfer.</p>
<p>mhm, but when would be the earliest that I could transfer. Is there a rule saying how long I would have to stay at CAS for?</p>
<p>To graduate from CAS, you must have 100 CAS credits.</p>
<p>You need to stay in CAS for a year. You can take ILR classes though so you are where you should be academically if and when you do transfer.</p>
<p>ILR needed an SAT2? I was accepted this year and I don’t remember sending that in haha</p>
<p>thanks everyone. I remember them saying that you needed two sat2s and that one of them had to be math. Maybe it was sent with the reg SAT I scores?</p>