Changing ED..HELP!

<p>I have already applied to a school through ED but have realized that money is a major problem. I'm pretty sure i wont get substantial financial need as my older brother is not in college, my dad is an owner of a company, and we own a piece of land ( i know it was stupid to go ED knowing money was a factor.) Additionally, the economy isnt doing so well and there arent as many banks lending money.However, i've heard one can change the application status from ED to Regular before Nov. 15th by writing a letter to the school. Is this true? Also, might this jeopardize my chances for Regular?
This is the ONLY school i want to go to and i think i can get a merit and atheltic scholarship (hopefully) but if i get accepted ED there would be no reason for the school to even offer me this money. My heart is set on this school and i don't want my dreams crushed. I know i made a mistake, but i need help with the process.
Anyone????...and thanks in advance!!!!!!</p>

<p>I would stay stay in.</p>

<p>but I had the opposite situation.
I applied regular and wanted to be in the ED pool.
I just emailed the school, and they moved my application.
I am sure you could just easily do that.</p>

<p>You need to call the admissions office and ask them the process. It might vary from school to school, and you need to find out what works for the specific school you’ve applied to. Believe me, you won’t be the first to do this.</p>

<p>thanks for your advice…but do you think this might jeopardize my chances for Regular Decision???</p>

<p>Regardless of what CC posters think, it’s the telephone conversation that will matter the most. Tell them honestly that due to financial circumstances, you feel that you need to withdraw your ED commitment and switch it instead to a non-binding RD application. Restate the fact that this is indeed your first choice school and the ONLY reason you need to switch from ED to RD is the financial landscape. You probably aren’t the only one having to do this. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>I’m sure the admission officers can understand since you gave a valid reason. I mean, if they actually take that excuse into account for RD then I don’t think the school was worth going to anyway. That’s just me of course, each to his own.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine just changing from ED to RD would have any effect on your admissions chances. About that potential athletic scholarship though… have you spoken the coach about it? Might be a good idea before you make the change official. Sometimes coaches are more willing to recommend scholarship money for ED applicants. Just something to check out.</p>

<p>No effect on admission if you have good reason. Just talk to the college and explain situation.</p>